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Re: A language idea: Elle
My impression of AOP/AspectJ was that it was cool but raised questions
about how well people's favorite tools would work with the methodology.
Unanswered questions lead to reticence. Which reminds me I should
check again to see if questions I had now have answers. If some
intelligent agent could keep a checklist of my unanswered questions and
let me know when solutions are available, that would be a service worth
paying for.
On Wednesday, Jan 8, 2003, at 01:25 US/Eastern, Daniel Weinreb wrote:
> Just look at what Gregor Kiczales and his colleagues are doing with
> Aspect-Oriented
> Programming and AspectJ. I think they really understand what it
> takes, and it takes
> a lot of hard work, even when what you're giving out is free.