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> > True of Ruby, too. Instead of:
> > (map (lambda (n) (* n 2)) '(0 1 2 3 4))
> > You write:
> > [0,1,2,3,4].map{|n| n*2}
> Great! Now people afraid of "()'" can use "[],.{}|" instead!
On a similar topic, I've been shocked to see the proliferation of a weird group of XML-syntax-based languages. It astounds me that anyone thinks these examples are a good idea:
Example 1: Superx++ (http://xplusplus.sourceforge.net)
Display the text "Hello, World!"
Superx++: <xpp>
<xout>Hello World!</xout>
Scheme: (display "Hello World!")
Perl: print "Hello, World!";
Smalltalk: 'Hello, world' printNl !
Example 2: Water (http://www.waterlang.org)
Compute and display the value of (5 + 7)/3
Water: 5.<plus 7/>.<divide 3/>
Scheme: (/ (+ 5 7) 3)
Perl: print (5 + 7) / 3;
Smalltalk: ((5 + 7) / 3) printNl !
In general, I find the whole XML thing to seem like a really wasteful way of defining documents. I've been ruined by Jim Bender's wonderful WebIt! framework for scheme. Using it, instead of writing HTML documents like so:
Blah Blah
<title> Blah </title>
Oh, the humanity.
I can do fun stuff like:
(h4:head (h4:title "Blah"))
"Oh, the humanity."))
Try it -- your fingers will thank you. :-)
And I would submit that with the advent of Oleg Kiselyov's SXPATH,SXML,etc. (see
http://okmij.org/ftp/Scheme/xml.html) that writing any plain-text XML is just too painful for mere humans to bear.