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> In general, I find the whole XML thing to seem like a really wasteful
> way of defining documents. I've been ruined by Jim Bender's
> wonderful WebIt! framework for scheme. Using it, instead of writing
> HTML documents like so:
> <html>
> <head>
> Blah Blah
> <title> Blah </title>
> <head>
> <body>
> Oh, the humanity.
> </body>
> </html>
> I can do fun stuff like:
> (h4:html
> (h4:head (h4:title "Blah"))
> (h4:body
> "Oh, the humanity."))
Or Curl
{curl 2.0 applet}
{title Blah}
Oh, the humanity.
Of course, this is client-side Curl, not server-side HTML generation code, so it is not quite the same thing.
- Christopher