
王學誠老師是交通大學電機工程學系及電控所助理教授,曾於國際頂尖大學實驗室MIT CSAIL主導執行大型跨領域計畫及產學合作。交大機器人與輔助科技實驗室致力於機器人與輔助科技,重視跨領域整合與國際合作。 近年的研究計畫包括:開發適用於盲人的行動感知系統與人機介面(由國際知名男高音Andrea Bocelli贊助),以及協助地鐵旅客室內定位與導航(與日本地鐵公司 JR East之合作)。


  • 機器人(Robotics): Robotic Vision, Navigation, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), Human Robot Interaction
  • 輔助科技與認知科學(Assistive Technology & Cognitive Science): Visual Attention, Saliency, Eye Tracking, Sensory Substitution

    Email: hchengwang (at) csail.mit.edu

    Nick Wang's CV. (Last update: Dec. 12, 2015)

    Google Scholar

    Recent Projects

    Bocelli Project: We develop wearable, miniaturized, and energy-efficient robotic systems to provide navigation feedbacks for blind and visually impaired people. (Joint work with Profs. Daniela Rus and Anantha Chandrakasan, EECS, MIT)

    JR East Project: We aim at an indoor navigation system using text as landmarks in highly dynamic environments, such as Tokyo subway stations. (Joint work with Prof. John Leonard, Mechanical Engineering, MIT)


  • I will join National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan as an assistant professor in Feb, 2016. My lab "Assistive Robotics Group" will focus on robotic systems in direct support of individuals. I will be happy to talk to prospective students.
  • I visited Andrea Bocelli and presented our prototype. News

  • The MIT team won the first place in RobotX competition. MIT News
  • Continuing the Legacy: Assistive Technologies at MIT. EECS News
  • Andrea Bocelli visited MIT to support assistive technology. MIT News.
  • Committee member in MIT COUHES (Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects).
  • Proposal accepted by the Project Tango by Google.