Dr. Wang's projects focus on developing robotic systems to solve real-world problems in direct support of indivisuals. Dr. Wang is an postdoctoral associate in the Marine Robotics Group (MRG) in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), MIT since 2013, and will be an assistant professor in the Assistive Robotics Group, Electrical and Computer Engineering at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan in Feb, 2016.
Email: hchengwang (at) csail.mit.edu
Nick Wang's CV. (Last update: Dec. 12, 2015)
Recent Projects
Bocelli Project: We develop wearable, miniaturized, and energy-efficient robotic systems to provide navigation feedbacks for blind and visually impaired people. (Joint work with Profs. Daniela Rus and Anantha Chandrakasan, EECS, MIT)
JR East Project: We aim at an indoor navigation system using text as landmarks in highly dynamic environments, such as Tokyo subway stations. (Joint work with Prof. John Leonard, Mechanical Engineering, MIT)