
The One-Wayness of Jacobi Signatures
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and David J. Wu
CRYPTO 2024 (to appear)
Divisible E-Cash for Billing in Private Ad Retargeting
Kevin Liao, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, and Dan Boneh
PETS 2024 (to appear)
Private Analytics via Streaming, Sketching, and Silently Verifiable Proofs
Mayank Rathee, Yuwen Zhang, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, and Raluca Ada Popa
Oakland 2024
Private Web Search with Tiptoe
Alexandra Henzinger, Emma Dauterman, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Nickolai Zeldovich
SOSP 2023
Arithmetic Sketching
Dan Boneh, Elette Boyle, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Niv Gilboa, Yuval Ishai
Authenticated Private Information Retrieval
Simone Colombo, Kirill Nikitin, Bryan Ford, David J. Wu, and Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
USENIX Security Symposium 2023
One Server for the Price of Two: Simple and Fast Single-Server Private Information Retrieval
Alexandra Henzinger, Matthew M. Hong, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Sarah Meiklejohn, and Vinod Vaikuntanathan
USENIX Security Symposium 2023
Accountable Authentication with Privacy Protection: The Larch System for Universal Login
Emma Dauterman, Danny Lin, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, and David Mazières
OSDI 2023
Single-Server Private Information Retrieval with Sublinear Amortized Time
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Alexandra Henzinger, and Dmitry Kogan
Private Blocklist Lookups with Checklist
Dmitry Kogan and Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
USENIX Security Symposium 2021
Express: Lowering the Cost of Metadata-hiding Communication with Cryptographic Privacy
Saba Eskandarian, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Matei Zaharia, Dan Boneh
USENIX Security Symposium 2021
Lightweight Techniques for Private Heavy Hitters
Dan Boneh, Elette Boyle, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Niv Gilboa, Yuval Ishai
Oakland 2021
SafetyPin: Encrypted Backups with Human-Memorable Secrets
Emma Dauterman, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, and David Mazières
OSDI 2020
Private Information Retrieval with Sublinear Online Time
Best Young Researcher Paper Award
Invited to Journal of Cryptology
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and Dmitry Kogan
The Function-Inversion Problem: Barriers and Opportunities
Best Young Researcher Paper Award
Invited to Journal of Cryptology
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and Dmitry Kogan
TCC 2019
Zero-Knowledge Proofs on Secret-Shared Data via Fully Linear PCPs
Dan Boneh, Elette Boyle, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Niv Gilboa, and Yuval Ishai
True2F: Backdoor-Resistant Authentication Tokens
First Place, CSAW US-Canada Applied Research Competition
Emma Dauterman, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, David Mazières, Dan Boneh, and Dominic Rizzo
Oakland 2019
The Discrete-Logarithm Problem with Preprocessing
Best Young Researcher Paper Award
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and Dmitry Kogan
Atom: Horizontally Scaling Strong Anonymity
Albert Kwon, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Srinivas Devadas, and Bryan Ford
SOSP 2017
Trust but Verify: Auditing Secure Internet of Things Devices
Judson Wilson, Riad S. Wahby, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Dan Boneh, Philip Levis, and Keith Winstein
MobiSys 2017
Prio: Private, Robust, and Scalable Computation of Aggregate Statistics
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and Dan Boneh
NSDI 2017
Balloon Hashing: A Memory-Hard Function Providing Provable Protection Against Sequential Attacks
Dan Boneh, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, and Stuart Schechter
Riposte: An Anonymous Messaging System Handling Millions of Users
Caspar Bowden Award for Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies
IEEE S&P Distinguished Paper Award
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Dan Boneh, and David Mazières
Oakland 2015
Bivariate Polynomials Modulo Composites and their Applications
Dan Boneh and Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
FlashPatch: Spreading Software Updates over Flash Drives in Under-connected Regions
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and Jay Chen
DEV 2014
Ensuring High-Quality Randomness in Cryptographic Key Generation
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Wendy Mu, Dan Boneh, and Bryan Ford
CCS 2013
Proactively Accountable Anonymous Messaging in Verdict
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, David Isaac Wolinsky, and Bryan Ford
USENIX Security Symposium 2013
Dissent in Numbers: Making Strong Anonymity Scale
David Wolinsky, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Bryan Ford, and Aaron Johnson
OSDI 2012
Dissent: Accountable Anonymous Group Messaging
ACM CCS 2020 Test-of-Time Award
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and Bryan Ford
CCS 2010


Deterring Cheating in Online Environments
Presented at CHI 2016
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Nakull Gupta, Curtis Northcutt, Edward Cutrell, and William Thies
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)
Security Analysis of Accountable Anonymity in Dissent
Ewa Syta, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Shu-Chun Weng, David Wolinsky, Bryan Ford, and Aaron Johnson
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC)


Lightweb: Private Web Browsing Without All the Baggage
Emma Dauterman and Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
HotNets 2023
Quantum Operating Systems
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, David J. Wu, and Dan Boneh
HotOS 2017
Stickler: Defending Against Malicious CDNs in an Unmodified Browser
Invited to appear in IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine
Amit Levy, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, and Dan Boneh
W2SP 2015
Recommendations for Randomness in the Operating System: How to Keep Evil Children Out of Your Pool and Other Random Facts
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and Suman Jana
HotOS 2015
Measuring and Maximizing the Effectiveness of Honor Codes in Online Courses — Work-in-progress paper
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Nakull Gupta, Curtis Northcutt, Edward Cutrell, and William Thies
L@S 2015
Conscript Your Friends into Larger Anonymity Sets with JavaScript — Short paper
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and Bryan Ford
WPES 2013
Welcome to the World of Human Rights: Please Make Yourself Uncomfortable
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and Bryan Ford
CREDS 2013
Scavenging for Anonymity with BlogDrop — Abstract
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and Bryan Ford
Provable Privacy Workshop 2012
Scalable Anonymous Group Communication in the Anytrust Model
David Wolinsky, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Bryan Ford, and Aaron Johnson
EuroSec 2012


Protecting Privacy by Splitting Trust
ACM Doctoral Dissertation Honorable Mention Award
Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
PhD thesis, Stanford University