Picture of Jürgen Cito

Jürgen Cito

Assistant Professor (TU Wien)
Research Affiliate (MIT CSAIL)
Office: 32-G740
Email: jcito [at] mit.edu

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Since Spring 2020, I am an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at TU Wien, Austria. I am also a research affiliate at MIT CSAIL, where I continue to work with the program analysis and compilation group (PAC) of Martin Rinard, where I was also a postdoctoral researcher. I received my PhD in February 2018 at University of Zurich (Switzerland) where I primarily worked on software runtime analytics. During my PhD, I was a research intern at IBM Watson Research Center in New York. I received my master's and bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the Technical University of Vienna.

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Research Interests

My current research interests are in programming languages and how they relate to computing and industrial infrastructure. I am interested in developing approaches to produce reliable infrastructure through synthesis and verification techniques.


Selected Publications