- Information Available to You
- Influencing the Roadmap
- Aspects to Watch
- Replacement of Open vSwitch Plug-in with Modular Layer 2
- Compute V3 API
- OpenStack on OpenStack (TripleO)
- Data Processing (Sahara)
- Bare-Metal Deployment (Ironic)
- Database as a Service (Trove)
- Messaging as a Service (Marconi)
- Scheduler Improvements
The good news: OpenStack has unprecedented transparency when it comes to providing information about what's coming up. The bad news: each release moves very quickly. The purpose of this appendix is to highlight some of the useful pages to track, and take an educated guess at what is coming up in the Icehouse release and perhaps further afield.
OpenStack follows a six month release cycle, typically releasing in April/May and October/November each year. At the start of each cycle, the community gathers in a single location for a design summit. At the summit, the features for the coming releases are discussed, prioritized, and planned. Figure C.1, “Release cycle diagram” shows an example release cycle, with dates showing milestone releases, code freeze, and string freeze dates, along with an example of when the summit occurs. Milestones are interim releases within the cycle that are available as packages for download and testing. Code freeze is putting a stop to adding new features to the release. String freeze is putting a stop to changing any strings within the source code.