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Computer Vision Student projects
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Phone: +1 510 666 2942

Email: rurtasun@csail.mit.edu, rurtasun@icsi.berkeley.edu

Fax: +1 510 666 2956

Professional adress:

International Computer Science Institute

1947 Center street, Suite 600 (room 513)
Berkeley, CA 94704

Starting in the Fall 2009 I will be an Asssistant Professor at TTI-Chicago, an academic institute located in the campus of the University of Chicago.

I'm looking for motivated students interested in the areas of machine learning, computer vision and graphics. Please contact me for details.

I am currently a postdoctoral research scientist at UC Berkeley EECS and ICSI and have been since January 2008. Previously I was a postdoctoral associate at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT, where I worked with Professor Trevor Darrell and the Vision Interface Group.

I completed my PhD at the Computer Vision Laboratory, at EPFL, Switzerland, on June 2006. I previously worked as a research assistant at the Ecole National Superior de Telecomunication (ENST) in Paris, in the Image Procesing Department. I graduated as an Electric Engineer in the Universidad Publica de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. I did my Master Thesis in Eurecom, France. My major interests are machine learning, computer vision and their integration with Computer Graphics. [full CV].



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Prof. Trevor Darrell

International Computer Science Institute
1947 Center street, Suite 600 (room 513)
Berkeley, CA 94704

Phone: +1 510 666 2942
Email: rurtasun@csail.mit.edu, rurtasun@icsi.berkeley.edu Fax: +1 510 666 2956


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