Socially Intelligent Assistants for USAR Teams

Current project on building socially intelligent assistants that help individuals in urban SAR teams quickly form collaboration plans, adapt to disturbances, while accommodating teammates’ needs, reducing communication error, and ultimately improving team’s mutual predictability over time.
Distributed Personal Assistant for Task Scheduling
A personal assistant that helps you schedule shared tasks with your colleges and friends that integrates with Google calendar, Trello, and Telegram bot! You can specify a shared task with dependencies on Trello, modify your own calendar, and have the assistant suggest changes that accommodate both you and your friends. This is a demonstration of the research on distributed execution (temporal decoupling) and single/multi-agent temporal relaxation. The system is privacy preserving, that is, each personal assistant only has access to its user's local data.
Campaign Manager for Ocean Scientific Explorations
A prototype of campaign manager is built for chief scientists in ocean campaigns to coordinate resources and missions onboard the ship. The interface automatically detects temporal and resource conflicts, and proactively suggests plan fixes. The frontend is built using Typescript and React, and the system is deployed using docker.
Solving Model Configuration as PDDL Planning Problems via Knowledge Compilation

Model configuration refers to the problem of configuring a set of devices to reach a set of desired states by going through a series of transitions. A hybrid configuration planner is developed as part of a hybrid planning and executive architecture. This work explored an approach where we leverage state-of-the-art PDDL planners for hybrid model configuration, by using a set of compilation techniques to compile hybrid concurrent constraint automaton (HCCA) into PDDL models. Compilation tools including prime implicate generator, HCA to PDDL translator are developed.
Bucket Elimination for Dynamic Controllability Checking

A novel bucket elimination algorithm for checking dynamic controllability (DC) of simple temporal networks with uncertainty (STNUs). Bucket elimination can be used to check consistency of simple temporal networks (STNs), but applying it DC checking is non-trivial. Technical document will be available for download soon. Code is available here.