
Re: Dylan's direction

On Mon, 15 Nov 1999 11:11:06 +0000, Rob Myers <robm@lostwax.com> said:
> The web market is over-crowded, and the major players are
> well-established.  Dylan's strength is probably application/tool
> building rather than as a replacement for Servlets, althoguh the web
> can be an important proving-ground.

Overcrowded, but people are still entering the market, Curl being the
immediate example that comes to mind <http://www.curl.com>.

Curl is a spinoff from a project at MIT's LCS, and is now well funded
and has an excellent group of developers, some of whome will be
familiar to the Dylan community.

> XML. If we have a socket library, an HTTP library and XML we have
> the web, XML-RPC and serialization to XML.

Add to this Andreas's mySQL interface and a compled FFI and you start
having something very compelling, IMHO.


Tom Emerson, tree@tiac.net
