
RE: C++ integration, again. I found another language besides Eiffel

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-info-dylan@ai.mit.edu [mailto:owner-info-dylan@ai.mit.edu]On
> Behalf Of Jason Trenouth
> Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 1:53 AM
> To: Shawn
> Cc: info-dylan@ai.mit.edu
> Subject: Re: C++ integration, again. I found another language besides
> Eiffel

> Ironically, an ex-Lisp company called ILOG helped develop a Java-C++
> integration technology called "Twin Peaks" but I don't know very
> much about
> that and it seems to have gone very quiet now.

ILOG had a Lisp called ILOG Talk which advertised interoperability with C++
classes. It looked like a promising product. It was, I believe, based on the
evolving EuLisp standard rather than Common Lisp. The last I heard, it had
been abandoned as a product but a binary distribution for Linux was supposed
to be available.

-- Kaelin

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