
Re: Dylan example of using WildTangent Game Library

        Thanks !!! :):):):):)


"Chris Double" <chris@double.co.nz> wrote in message
> I've created an example of using the WildTangent game library[1] from
> Dylan.
> WildTangent seem to have two ways of using their library. One is an
> control, the other is a set of C and C++ routines. I uses the ActiveX
> control as I couldn't find any documentation on using the lower-level
> C/C++ routines.
> I provide a library that wraps the COM stuff (which was generated
> using Functional Developers type library support), a DUIM gadget to
> display the WildTangent stuff and a couple of examples and screen
> shots. These can be downloaded at my web site[2]. You'll probably want
> to read the usage notes on that page, particularly the bit about
> preventing the Functional Developer IDE from automatically entering
> the debugger on floating point exceptions. The WildTangent libraries
> seem to generate floating point underflows/overflows occasionally (or
> I'm doing something wrong).
> [1] http://www.wildtangent.com
> [2] http://www.double.co.nz/dylan/projects/wildtangent.htm
> Chris.
> --
> http://www.double.co.nz/dylan
