
Re: Need help with Class-Allocated Slots

>>>>> "Scott" == Scott McKay <swm@mediaone.net> writes:

 Scott> I'm not convinced that overriding a class slot with an instance slot
 Scott> should be allowed.  A superclass has already effectively declared
 Scott> the protocol -- the slot is class-allocated.  Why should a subclass
 Scott> be allowed to break the protocol?  Right now, for example, a subclass
 Scott> can't change the type of an inherited slot.

I haven't been following the thread carefully, but as I understand
Hugh's proposal, there is no issue here.  To summarize my
understanding of the proposal:

A class slot 

   define class <a> (<object>)
      class slot foo :: <integer>, init-value: 6;
   end class;

would add to the generic named foo a method with the signature
  (c == <a>) => <integer>

whereas a same-named slot, 

   define class <b> (<a>)
     slot foo :: <integer>;
   end class;

would add a method to the foo generic with a signature    
  (o :: <b>) => <integer>

Accessing the class slot would be done as in:
  foo(<a>) or foo(<b>) or <a>.foo or <b>.foo
whereas the instance slot would be done as in:
  foo(an-a) or an-a.foo, etc.

There's no issue of "overriding the class slot with an instance
slot".  The class slot accessors are specialized on subtypes of
<type>, whereas the instance slot accessors are specialized on
subtypes of, in this case, <a> and <b>. 

Greg      gregs@ai.mit.edu (617)253-5807
Sullivan  http://www.ai.mit.edu/~gregs/

Follow-Ups: References: