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Re: Have you always dreamed of become a high payed consultant?

In article <3de4220a_1@Usenet.com>, Peter E. C. Dashwood <dashwood@nospa
m.enternet.co.nz> writes
>Just checked the spelling of Grammar (it's ok). My
>> OED doesn't list Grammer.
>I think you'll find she's your Father or Mother's Mother...<G>

I asked for that one.

>> > There was a recent poll
>> >here in the UK (in fact, the final was last night) to find the
>> >Greatest Briton.
>> Got it on the video. I'm glad that Winnie won. Shame that the rest were
>> (with the exception of Ollie Cromwell) charlatans, ne'er do wells or
>> born/married to their greatness.
>Perhaps a little hard on Nelson, 
Committed suicide by wearing a uniform with medals which marked him out
to the snipers. An officer normally wore a plain coat and hat and not
their medals. Also a philanderer (one of my pet hates). Deserted his
wife and child.

Although he did formulate the theory of evolution something like 50
years before anybody else, he did not publish his theory until Wallace
(I think, and an Aussie) sent him a copy of a manuscript independently
formulating the same theory. Then Darwin published. Why give him the
credit when his work had not been in the public domain before Wallace
published his work?

A builder of large and unused boats. And bridges. I wish I had seen
Jeremy Clarkson's documentary as that must have been a magnificent piece
of tv for Brunel to do so well.

> and Newton, 
As the credited inventor of Differential Calculus he had been beaten to
it by a Frenchman by at least 25 years. What Newton did do was to
conduct the first experiments using truly rigorous scientific methods. 

>don't you
>think, Alistair? (Agree about Diana, Elizabeth the First (although you have
>to admire her courage), and John Lennon (admire his ideals but still
>basically a ne'er-do-well <G>). Of course they missed the real British
>heroes who are loved by millions, Sooty, Basil Brush, TeleTubbies, Bob the
>Builder, Postman Pat, and Mr Blobby...

What about Pugh, Pugh, Barley, McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub? Windy
Miller? Roobarb and Custard? Parsley? Muffin?...

>> > Shakespeare made it to the top 10 but it was
>> >painfully apparent in the debates that most kids are not being exposed
>> >to him, or, if they are, they are not being helped to appreciate the
>> >beauty and timelessness of his writing.
>> I was tortured at school by having to do Romeo and Juliet, Merchant of
>> Venice, MacBeth (a clansman of mine) and Two Gentlemen From Verona. I
>> plan on self-abusing myself by doing Hamlet sometime, just so that I can
>> see how Guildenstern and Rosencrantz fit in. BTW, I love MacBeth, even
>> though the story is an English propaganda exercise (should that be
>> exercize?).
>There is little opportunity for self abuse in Hamlet. Ophelia is a mournful
>cow who ends up drowning herself (not in the least erotic). I saw Diana Rigg
>naked as Lady MacBeth many years ago

Lucky beggar!

> on the West End stage and the image
>haunts me to this day. (For those of you who get re-runs of the original
>Avengers with Steed and Mrs Peel, she was Mrs Peel...I can assure you she
>was even more devastating without the leather outfit than she was with
>it...<G>) I believe that Nicole Kidman did the same role recently (but I
>might be confusing that with the Blue Room). Anyway, for my money, Lady
>MacBeth is the sexiest role in Shakespeare...
>Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are inserted into Hamlet for no apperent reason
>other than to make Hamlet look smart when juxtaposed against their

Have you seen the film Rosencrantz and Guildenstern? Well worth

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Alistair Maclean

Algorithmic, heuristic, sadistic
- Stanislaw Lem