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Re: Have you always dreamed of become a high payed consultant?

Alistair Maclean wrote:

> >I can't fault your knowledge of history. But if it weren't for him, we'd be
> >having this conversation in (Ugh!) ...French. (Come to think of it, it's a
> >pity the Canucks didn't have someone like him; they wouldn't be having all
> >this nonsense with Quebec... (if you are Canadian, please ignore
> >deliberately inflammatory comment <G>))
> Quick, duck!

THey did.  His name was James Wolfe and he beat the French under Montcalme at the Battle 
of the Plains of Abraham.

However, you forget that the French DID conquer England in 1066 and the language known 
today as English is one of the results.  From the old records it looks as if that was 
when my ancestors showed up in the UK. 

They love me in Quebec when I talk about how my ancestors licked the Anglo Saxons at 

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