Mandy Korpusik

Department of Computer Science
Loyola Marymount University

office: Doolan Hall 201B


Our ICASSP 2023 paper on multi-modal approaches to food classification was recently published, as well as our article on finishing in third place in the Food for Thought data challenge!

About me

I graduated with my PhD from MIT in June, 2019 and I am now an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Loyola Marymount University! My primary research interest is natural language processing (NLP), especially spoken language understanding and dialogue systems. For my PhD, I designed novel convolutional neural network models that perform semantic tagging and mapping of natural language meal descriptions to semantically similar USDA food database entries. I also demonstrated that asking followup clarification questions with deep reinforcement learning boosts food recall performance by narrowing down the search space. I showed that these neural convolutional models generalize to other tasks beyond nutrition, including semantic tagging of user queries in flight and movie booking domains, as well as dialogue state tracking for restaurant booking. I am interested in developing conversational agents for health that give personalized recommendations.


Here's my CV. [pdf]







Service and Leadership Activities

Last updated: 2023-08-22