Radu Berinde
Hi! I am a M.Eng. student at MIT. I'm working with Prof. Piotr Indyk on topics in the area of compressed sensing.
I am originally from Bucharest,
My (possibly outdated) resume is here.
Update: My M.Eng. thesis is complete and can be found here: Advances in Sparse Signal Recovery Methods.
page with code for sparse recovery using sparse random matrices, including Sparse
Matching Pursuit.
"Sequential Sparse
Matching Pursuit (with Piotr Indyk), Allerton, 2009
"Space-optimal Heavy Hitters with Strong Error Bounds"
(with Graham Cormode, Piotr Indyk, Martin Strauss), PODS, 2009
"Practical Near-Optimal Sparse
Recovery in the L1 Norm (with Piotr Indyk, Milan Ruzic), Allerton, 2008
"Sparse Recovery Using Sparse
Random Matrices" (with Piotr Indyk), 2008.
Combining geometry and
combinatorics: a unified approach to sparse signal recovery (with Anna Gilbert,
Piotr Indyk, Howard Karloff, Martin Strauss), 2008.
Some class projects:
Contact Info:
Radu Berinde
Phone: (617) 938-9312