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Re: So, what the heck is a continuation anyway?
>>>>> "SC" == Simon Cozens <simon@simon-cozens.org> writes:
SC> The original question was "Why don't you compile Perl to Scheme
SC> and use a Scheme VM?", and I replied that it was non-trivial to
SC> compile Perl to Scheme.
If it's non-trivial to compile Perl to Parrot, then one might fairly
ask whether it's better to re-use an existing backend or create a new
one. I think it would be relatively easy to compile Python to Scheme,
provide the right run-time environment was also written in Scheme.
My sense of Parrot is that it pushes a fair amount of hard work back
to the compiler.
Perhaps it's worth asking the question another way: How hard is it to
write a compiler for Perl? What are the major sources of complexity
in the Perl5 compiler? Do you think they'll disappear with Perl6?