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Re: What Java did right (was Re: Y Store now C++)
I've spent a lot of time recently thinking about what java did right. Here
are my conclusions. Some of these echo points made by Eric Kidd in his
very nice analysis. Disclaimer: java is *far* from being my favorite
language; I much prefer lisp/scheme and ML/ocaml.
First of all, despite what some people think, java really *did* do a lot
right, and not just in the sense of marketing. The entire java environment
does make a lot of kinds of application development easier. So what are
these issues?
-- Libraries, libraries, libraries
There is no code easier to write than code that has already been written.
I am very impressed by the size and depth of java's standard libraries.
-- Feature set
Java's feature set was very carefully chosen. The single-inheritance OO
paradigm with interfaces makes it pretty easy to organize libraries (as has
been known for a long time with Smalltalk). Support for threads makes
certain kinds of programming much easier. Garbage collection and array
bounds checking make many kinds of programming *much* easier. Static
typing catches a lot of errors. Serialization and reflection are very
useful as well. I don't know of any fundamental features in java that
don't have a compelling reason to be there. Of course, there are still
many missing features ;-) My impression is that java was in many ways
designed to be the minimal language that could support the kind of
libraries that java has.
-- The runtime environment, portability, and safety
To get GC and platform-independent threads, you need a runtime
environment. Java offers what (to the programmer) is the *same* runtime
environment across platforms. Errors that would cause core dumps in C/C++
cause a stack trace in java, which at least helps you find the problem.
-- Efficiency
With JITs, java can often produce code that is no worse than 2-3x slower
than comparable C/C++ code (sometimes better). There are a *huge* class of
apps for which this is good enough. In fact, the number of apps that
really need maximum speed is pretty small.
-- Packaging
After having suffered through one too many configure/make/make install
nightmares on Linux caused by nests of conflicting dependencies (try
installing Gnome from source if you want a pleasant time), I can really
appreciate the effort that went into packaging in java. Installing a java
application is almost trivial compared to installing C programs.
-- Familiarity
Hey, I could care less about C-like syntax, but apparently this is a Big
Deal for a lot of people, and java is comforting to them.
I'm sure there are other things, but this is what comes off the top of my
head. The point is: if you're developing a new language, this is the bar
that you are going to have to reach, or people will not take the language
Note that I *didn't* claim that the java language is well-designed, because
I don't think it is, at least not at a low level (too kludgy, too many
special cases, too much overloading of keywords, too many missing features,
etc.). But clean design is not the be-all and the end-all. Whether a more
elegantly designed language could fill the same space as java is an
interesting question.