Hsueh-Cheng 'Nick' Wang, Ph.D.

Email: hchengwang (at) csail.mit.edu

Research Interests

Robotics, Machine Perception, Assistive Technology, Cyber-physical System, Augmented Reality, Cognitive Science, and Eye Tracking.

Nick Wang's CV. (Last update: Dec. 12, 2015)

Google Scholar

Jih-Shi Chen

Email: k57326@yahoo.com.tw

Research Interests

Robotics, Computer Vision, Automatic Control System, Signals and System

Jih-Shi's CV. (Last update: Dec. 13, 2015)

Ni-Ching 'Monica' Lin

Email: mo83117401500094@gmail.com

Research Interests

Control System, Computer Vision, Robotic

NiChing's CV. (Last update: Jan. 21, 2016)

Tzu-Kuan 'Brian' Chuang

Email: fire594594594@gmail.com

Research Interests

Biomedical Imaging, Robotics, AI

Brian Chuang's CV. (Last update: Jan. 23, 2016)

Che-Ming 'Jack' Lin

Email: papa830621@gmail.com

Research Interests

Automatic Control System, Robotics, VR for HCI and Automation

Che-Ming's CV. (Last update: April. 11, 2016)

Chang-Yi Kuo

Email: c722996@gmail.com

Research Interests

Robotic Vision, Embedded System, Automatic Control System

Chang-Yi's CV. (Last update: April. 15, 2016)


Chen-Hao 'Peter' Hung

Email: losttime1001@gmail.com

Research Interests

Microcomputer Systems, Robotic Vision, Automatic Control System

Chen-Hao's CV. (Last update: July. 4, 2016)