main research interest is to study how to incorporate into everyday
objects computational capability that extends the practical use
of interactive artifacts in imaginative and intelligible ways. Examples
of activities include building and running a showcase of the future
dwelling, prototype development and studies of smart communication
devices as well as exploring innovative uses of computer vision.Here
at AI Lab I participate within the Vision Interface Group and the
Oxygen project.
I am a strong
advocate of user-centred design practice, participating in interdisciplinary
projects, testing innovative interaction models and expanding the
HCI knowledge base through explorations in related fields such as
industrial design, architecture and art.
Smart Things
Emotional Communication
Sense and Sensations
Intelligent Work Space
Post It - Do It
Interactive Wall - Gesture + Play
Face IT
Global Tools
for Smart Things
- how to relate usability and usefulness
recently there has been growing critisism towards pervasive computing
and in particular how research is both lagging as well as have a
differculty in focusing on the important issues. One interpretation
of this delayed understanding is that the speed at which these technologies
develop greatly exceeds our capacity to absorb and understand how
(and why) we can use all of these interactive devices. We should
look less at usability because making a system easier to use doesn't
necessarily make it better or worthwhile. We need also to look at
usefulness: Are these things actually useful in our everyday lives?
What is the experienced value of using these new gadgets, compared
to using other technologies that were radical in their times, e.g.
washing machines or telephones?
>> These
slides are from a talk I gave at MIT in april >>
Here I have
gathered some bits from the past and the present.
>> An
archive of past bits and projects >>
of the most difficult tasks for the designer of interactive technologies
is to develop an understanding of the interactive material. This
task becomes even more complex when several interactive products
are using both new interaction techniques and new models for interaction.
Development in perceptual user interfaces, such as speech, vision
and sketching, enables new devices to be used where earlier, computer-based
tools were not able to be used. Hence, it is crucial to understand
both the potential, and ultimately the use, of these new types of
interfaces in order to be able to complete the design.
>> Perceptual
Interfaces projects >>
+ Hacks
Here you can
find some art / hacks projects. This page is still very much work
in progress and will be expanded soonish.
>> Art
+ Hacks Archive >>