addressed how to design systems
for Computer Supported Cooperative
Work (CSCW) on
the basis of design practice established in the Scandinavian
model of System Design. In particular, this thesis focus on
the following issues:
- Can
simulation of realistic work situations be used for cooperative
design of CSCW systems by developers and users?
- Can
we balance a design based on daily work practice with exploration
of innovative CSCW solutions?
- How
cooperative design could be integrated in the evolving use
and how to combine different design approaches into a coherent
Read more about my thesis here >>
Unpublished Work
>> Some thoughts about teaching Interactions >>
- Dagens
Nyheter – User-centered design in master programs at
KTH, 12 April 1995 (in Swedish).
- Swedish
Television – The smart technology project at KTH, 20
November 1997 (in Swedish).
- National
Public Radio – Interactive chairs at Comdex, 28 November
- Dagens
Nyheter – The smart technology project at KTH, 27 May
1999 (in Swedish).
- Dagens
Nyheter – Smart Living, 20 February 2000.
- Archives of Deleted Files, A:T Moderna Muset, April 1995.
[more info]
- SoftAir Communication, The Global Tendency Machine, April
1998. [more info]
- SoftAir Communication, Comdex, December 1998. [a
short video]
- The World Expo, Entrances, Hannover 2000. [the
- Doors of perception – 4, The E-Cultural Exhibition,
Amsterdam, November 2000.
- BO-01 City of Tomorrow, Smart living, May 2001 - Sept 2001.
[from the exhibition]
- K/Haus – Kunstlerhaus Wienna, Global Tools, July 2001-
Sept 2001. [more info]
- Tollmar
K., Marmolin H., and Sundblad Y. (1994): The Collaborative
Desktop - Collaboration and Information Building, Formal demo
at CHI´94, In proceedings of CHI´94, ACM Press.
- Tollmar
K., Sandor O. and Schömer A. (1996): Supporting Social
Awareness @Work - Design and Experience, In proceedings of
CSCW´96, ACM Press. [pdf]
- Tollmar
K. (1997): Participatory design techniques for CSCW, In SIGGROUP
Bulletin Vol 18/2, ACM Press.
- Tollmar
K. (1997): Smarta ting & miljöer på CID, Designjournalen,
Vol 5 nr 1 / 98. [pdf]
- Tollmar
K. and Junestrand S.(1998): The Dwelling as a Place for Work,
in N. Streitz, S. Konomi, H. Burkhardt (Eds.), "Cooperative
Buildings - Integrating Information, Organization, and Architecture".
Proceedings of CoBuild'98, Darmstadt, Germany. Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, Vol. 1370. Springer: Heidelberg. [pdf]
- Junestrand
S. and Tollmar K (1999): Video mediated communication for
domestic environments. In N. Streitz, S. Konomi, (Eds.), Cooperative
Buildings – Integrating, Information, Organization,
and Architecture. Proceedings of CoBuild'99, Pittsburgh, PA,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1670. Springer: Heidelberg,
1999. [pdf]
- Tollmar
K., Junestrand S. and Torgny O. (2000): Virtually Living Together
- Using Multiple-Method Design in the Search for Telematic
Emotional Communication. In conference proceedings of DIS'2000,
ACM Press. [pdf]
- Junestrand
S., Lenman S., Thuresson B. and Tollmar K (2000): Private
and Public Spaces - Video Mediated Communication in a Future
Home Environment, Video paper at CHI’2000, ACM Press.
[pdf] [video]
- Junestrand
S, Keijer U. and Tollmar K (2001): Design Patterns for Private
and Public Digital Spaces in the Home Environment. International
Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 54, No. 5, May 2001,
pp. 753-778. [pdf]
- Junestrand
S., Molin G., Tollmar K. and Keijer U. (2001): User Study
of VMC with Intellectually Disabled, In conference proceedings
of NordiCHI 2001 (accepted for publications in International
Journal of Human-Computer Interaction). [pdf]
- Tollmar
K., ChincholleD. , Klasson B. and Stephanson T. (2001): VideoCafé
– Exploring Mediaspaces in Public Places within Organisations,
Behavior and Information Technogy, Volume 20, Number 2/March
1, Taylor & Francis. [pdf]
- Tollmar
K. (2001): Towards CSCW Design in the Scandinavian Tradition,
Ph.D. Dissertation, NADA – KTH / SU, Oct 2001. [pdf]
- Tollmar
K. and Persson J. (2002): Understanding Remote Presence, In
proceedings of NordiCHI 2002, ACM Press. (Finns även
pa svenska som Vinnova rapport: Användarstudie av artefakter
för emotionell kommunikation) [pdf]
- Darrell
T., Tollmar K., Bentley F., Checka N, Morency LP, Rahimi A.
and Oh A. (2002): Face-responsive interfaces: from direct
manipulation to perceptive presence, In proceedings of UbiComp
2002: Ubiquitous Computing, Springer Verlag, Series: Lecture
Notes in Computer Science. Volume. 2498. [pdf]
- Tollmar
K. (2002): Percuptual Interfaces - Hype or emergent everyday
technologies? (In Swedish: Perceptuella gränssnitt —
vision eller kommande vardagsteknik?), Friktion - Om mötet
mellan olikheter i IT-forskning, Raster Förlag.
- Tollmar
K., Demirdjian D. and Darrell T. (2002): Gesture+Play, Demo
at UIST’2002, In proceedings of UIST’2002, ACM
Press. [pdf]
- Browall
C., Tollmar K. and Petterson F. (2002): Camelot - Rundabordssamtal
och seminarier kring framtidens boende (A workshop serie about
domestic technologies), TELDOK / VINNOVA ISBN: 91-89588-61-4.
(In Swedish) [pdf]
- Tollmar
K., Demirdjian D. and Darrell T. (2002): Gesture+Play : full-body
interaction for virtual environments, Accepted for publication
at CHI’2003.
- Demirdjian
D., Tollmar K., Koile K., Checka N. and Darrell T (2002):
Activity maps for location-aware computing, Accepted for publication
at WACV'02, 2002.