
Here are some comments from anonymous TA evaluations:

"Matt you are so awesome. You always have time to answer questions and are always willing to slow down for me, in a way where I don't feel stupid. I always wonder "How does he not want to kill me since I am not getting it?" I wish you lots of luck at MIT."
— CS61C Student, UC Berkeley

"Matt was great. I loved his friendly attitude and eagerness/ability to explain things. Honestly sometimes I went to his lab/discussion just because he was a really nice guy to hang out around and listen to — it made the labs fun. Publish what else this guy is TAing so I can take more of his sections!"
— CS61C Student, UC Berkeley

"Best TA I've ever had in any course at Berkeley. Gives really good explanations about every topic. Really tries hard to help students. Goes beyond what I would expect for a TA. Very helpful outside of class as well (office hours, e-mail)."
— CS61C Student, UC Berkeley

"He is a great TA and really makes things I don't understand clear. I feel he really cares and is easily accessible for questions."
— CS61C Student, UC Berkeley

"Simply amazing. Knows everything. I think he may be a robot."
— CS61C Student, UC Berkeley

"Best TA ever, helpful and also very accessible outside class. Even gives good advice about course planning."
— CS61C Student, UC Berkeley

"Best TA I've ever had."
— CS61C Student, UC Berkeley

"Great TA. Knows his material, offers helpful suggestions and is responsible and friendly."
— CS61C Student, UC Berkeley

"Matt is honestly one of the best TAs I have had. Ten out of ten."
— CS61C Student, UC Berkeley

"Matt is simply awesome. Good luck at MIT :)"
— CS61C Student, UC Berkeley

""You know who would have comments or suggestions, though... Wikipedia would have comments or suggestions." Seriously, Matt's awesome."
— CS61C Student, UC Berkeley

"I would give him a six in all these categories if possible. Matt is very helpful and accessible, and he knows his stuff!"
— EE126 Student, UC Berkeley

"The best TA of the year. Always accessible (helps you at 4am...), very knowledgeable. Thanks Matt!"
— EE126 Student, UC Berkeley

"Matt clearly understands all the material very well, and is very good at conveying that to students in recitation, as well as soliciting and responding to student feedback. Very helpful in office hours, especially when explaining the thought process behind problem-solving. Overall, an excellent TA."
— 6.438 Student, MIT

"very good at breaking down/distilling the material, explaining with clarity and simplicity. lecturers could learn something from him."
— 6.438 Student, MIT

"Very good at summarizing topics in office hours. Also very helpful with walking through difficult hw/exam problems."
— 6.438 Student, MIT

"It was incredible how your explanations always made sense, even when it was obvious that you had not prepared them previously. Everything was helpful and informative."
— 6.438 Student, MIT

"Very good at conveying the big picture."
— 6.438 Student, MIT

UC Berkeley