Maryam Mehri Dehnavi

Assistant Professor
Rutgers University
Rutgers University
I am currently an Assistant Professor in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rutgers university. Previously I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Supertech Research Group, working on autotuning divide-and-conquer algorithms with Prof. Charles Leiserson.
Background: I completed my Ph.D. in Computational Electromagnetics from McGill University in 2012 in the Computational Electromagnetics Laboratory advised by Prof. Dennis Giannacopoulos. During my Ph.D. I have also worked as a visiting researcher in the The Parallel Computing Laboratory advised by Prof. James Demmel and in the Parallel Systems & Computer Architecture Lab advised by Prof. Jean-Luc Gaudiot.
Research: My research interests include High-Performance Computing, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Numerical Analysis, Domain-Specific Compilers, Parallel Programming Models, Computational Biology, and General-Purpose Computing.
- There are mutiple MSc, PhD, and Postdoctoral positions available in my group. Interested applicants are advised to contact me and attach their CV to proceed.
- Paper on "Autotuning divide-and-conquer stencil computations" submitted to Siam Journal on Scientific Computing.
- Paper on "Parallel finite element method formulation using inference on probabilistic graphical models" accepted at Computer Physics Communications.
- Paper on "Sparse approximate inverse preconditioned communication-avoiding BiCGStab solver" accepted at SIAM-LA 2015.