Maryam Mehri Dehnavi
Assistant Professor
Rutgers University
Rutgers University
Refereed Journal Papers
Parallel sparse approximate inverse preconditioning on graphic processing units
M. Mehri Dehnavi, D.M. Fernandez, J.L. Guadiot and D. Giannacopoulos
TPDS. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 24(9):1852--1862, 2013. Paper
Parallel finite element technique using Gaussian belief propagation
Y. El-Kurdi*, M. Mehri Dehnavi*, W. Gross and D. Giannacopoulos (*equal contribution)
CPC. Computer Physics Communications. 193, 38--48, 2015. Paper
Communication-avoiding Krylov techniques on graphic processing units
M. Mehri Dehnavi, D.M. Fernandez, J. Demmel and D. Giannacopoulos
TMAG. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 49(5):1749--1752, 2013. Paper
Alternate parallel processing approach for FEM
D.M. Fernandez, M. Mehri Dehnavi, W. Gross and D. Giannacopoulos
TMAG. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 48(2):399--402, 2012. Paper
Evaluating multi-core and many-core architectures through accelerating the three-dimensional Lax--Wendroff correction stencil
Y. You, H. Fu, S. Song, M. Mehri Dehnavi, L. Gan, X. Huang, G. Yang
IJHPCA. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2014.
Best Paper for ASHES conjugated with IPDPS. Paper
Enhancing the performance of conjugate gradient solvers on graphic processing units
M. Mehri Dehnavi, D.M. Fernandez and D. Giannacopoulos
TMAG. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 47(5):1162--1165, 2011. Paper
Finite-element sparse matrix vector multiplication on graphic processing units
M. Mehri Dehnavi, D.M. Fernandez and D. Giannacopoulos
TMAG. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 46(8):2982--2985, 2010.
Best Paper Finalist in IEEE Conference on computational electromagnetics (CEFC2009). Paper
Enhancing the performance of electromagnetic applications on clustered architectures
M. Mehri Dehnavi and D. Giannacopoulos
TMAG. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 45(3):1340--1343, 2009. Paper
Survey on grid resource allocation mechanisms
M.B. Qureshi, M. Mehri Dehnavi, et. al.
JGC. Journal of Grid Computing. pp. 1--43, 2014.
Selected Conference Publications and Technical Reports
MIC-SVM: Designing a highly efficient support vector machine for advanced modern multi-core and many-core architectures
Y. You, S. Song, H. Fu, A. Marquez, G. Yang, K. Barker, K. Cameron, M. Mehri Dehnavi and A. Randles
IPDPS14. Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. pp. 809--818, 2014. Paper
An intelligent cross-architecture breadth first search for large-scale graph exploration
Y. You, D. Bader and M. Mehri Dehnavi
ICPP14. Proceesings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing. pp. 70--79, 2014. Paper
Sparse approximate inverse preconditioned communication-avoiding BiCGStab solvers
M. Mehri Dehnavi, J. Demmel and D. Fernandez
Technical Report. 2014.
Characterizing the performance of data base management systems on the Pentium 4 hyper-threaded architecture
W. Hassanein, L. Rashid, M. Mehri Dehnavi and W. Hassanein
Technical Report. University of Calgary, 2006. Paper
A thread specific load balancing technique for a clustered SMT architecture
M. Mehri Dehnavi and W. Hassanein
CCECE. Proceeding of Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2007.