
  1. Kimia Noorbakhsh*, Joseph Chandler*, Pantea Karimi*, Mohammad Alizadeh, and Hari Balakrishnan. (2025). Savaal: Scalable Concept-Driven Question Generation to Enhance Human Learning. In arXiv:2502.12477.
  2. Tianhong Li, Vibhaalakshmi Sivaraman, Pantea Karimi, Lijie Fan, Mohammad Alizadeh, and Dina Katabi. (2024). Reparo: Loss-Resilient Generative Codec for Video Conferencing.
  3. Pantea Karimi, Sadjad Fouladi, Vibhaalakshmi Sivaraman, and Mohammad Alizadeh. (2023). Vidaptive: Efficient and Responsive Rate Control for Real-Time Video on Variable Networks. In arXiv:2309.16869.
  4. Karimi Pantea. (2019). Location Verification using Latencies and Claimed Coordinates on the Blockchain. In EPFL Internship Report.


  1. Pantea Karimi*, Solal Pirelli*, Siva Kesava Reddy Kakarla, Ryan Beckett, Santiago Segarra, Beibin Li, Pooria Namyar, and Behnaz Arzani. (2024). Towards Safer Heuristics With XPlain. In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (pp. 68–76).
  2. Pantea Karimi. (2023). Bridging the Gap Between Real-time Video and Backlogged Traffic Congestion Control. In Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  3. Vibhaalakshmi Sivaraman, Pantea Karimi, Vedantha Venkatapathy, Mehrdad Khani, Sadjad Fouladi, Mohammad Alizadeh, Frédo Durand, and Vivienne Sze. (2022). Gemino: Practical and Robust Neural Compression for Video Conferencing. In USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation 2024.

Workshops and Posters

  1. Towards Safer Heuristics With XPlain. (2024). In Microsoft Research, Redmond.
  2. Vidaptive: Efficient and Responsive Rate Control for Real-Time Video on Variable Networks. (2023). In GW6 Research Summit, MIT.
  3. Gemino: Practical and Robust Neural Compression for Video Conferencing. (2023). In MIT AI Hardware Program Symposium.
  4. Organizer of Iran’s First Blockchain Workshop. (2018). In Sharif University of Technology.