
Re: Harlequin 1.2 still available?

"Maury Markowitz" <maury@remove_this.sympatico.ca.invalid> writes:

> > There was a PowerPC version by Digitool, which runs quite nicely.
>   Well that simply sidesteps the issue.  The *Apple* version was a dog, and
> since they were the cheerleaders (or I should say certain people within
> Apple) having a good third party solution is largely identical to having no
> solution as far as the market is concerned.  Maybe it shouldn't be that way,

You misunderstand. Digitool simply recompiled the Apple Dylan TR with
a later version of their Lisp compiler (which was used to write Apple
Dylan in the first place).

> > They had a C FFI
>   That really avoids the issue.  This is like saying that your car sucks and
> then being told by Ford that if you buy a gas turbine it will go faster.
> That's *their* job.

Right. I was simply saying that addressing all your concerns would
have been possible, and compared to the rest of the work which already
had been done even quite cheaply.

> > I have the native PowerPC version running on a 300 MHz Powerbook. It's
> > pretty snappy, I don't see the difference to FD oder GD.
>   Well I had it running on a 7200/120, one of the fastest machines at the
> time.  It was a dog.  I'm sure that all slow programs will eventually run
> reasonably well given a few Moore cycles, but again, that doesn't address
> the issue that at the time it was slow.

Again, my point was that it was an acceptable program by today's
standard, and the decision do dump it on that basis not justified.


"Anyone need a DVD decrypter for Linux?
dig @ goret.org. axfr | grep '^c..\..*A' | sort \
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  -- James Brister
