Michael Richard Siracusa

I graduated in 2009 working with John Fisher and Alan Willsky in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT. After graduation I joined Heartland Robotics


M.R. Siracusa, "Dynamic Dependence Analysis : Modeling and Inference of Changing Dependence Among Multiple Time-Series" MIT PhD Thesis 2009.
Thesis advisors: John Fisher, Alan Willsky, William T. Freeman

M. R. Siracusa, "Statistical Modeling and Analysis of Audio-Visual Association in Speech" MIT Institute Archives - Noncirculating Collection 3 | THESIS E.E. S.M. 2004

Selected Publications

M.R. Siracusa and J.W. Fisher III, "Tractable Bayesian Inference of Time-Series Dependence Structure," AIStats 2009.

J.W. Fisher III, M.R. Siracusa, and K. Tieu, "Estimation of Signal Information for Classification," IEEE Signal Processing Society 13th DSP Workshop, 2009.

M.R. Siracusa and J.W. Fisher III, "Interaction Analysis using Switching Structured Autoregressive Models," Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2008.

M. R. Siracusa and J. W. Fisher III, "Dynamic Dependency Tests: Analysis and Applications to Multi-modal Data Association" AIStats 2007.

M. R. Siracusa and J. W. Fisher III, "Inferring Dynamic Dependency with Applications to Link Analysis," Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2006.

M.R. Siracusa and J.W. Fisher III. "Modeling and estimating dynamic dependency structure: Applications to audio-visual speaker labeling". In Yann LeCun and Yoshua Bengio, editors, Proceedings of the Learning Workshop, Snowbird, Utah, Apr 2006.

M.R. Siracusa, K. Tieu, A. Ihler, J. Fisher III, and A.S Willsky, "Estimating dependency and significance for high-dimensional data", ICASSP 2005.

K. Saenko, K. Livescu, M. Siracusa, K. Wilson, J. Glass, T. Darrell, "Visual Speech Recognition with Loosely Synchronized Feature Streams", ICCV 2005.

N. Checka, K. Wilson, M. Siracusa, T. Darrell, "Multiple Person and Speaker Activity Tracking with a Particle Filter", ICASSP 2004.

M.R. Siracusa, L-P. Morency, K. Wilson, J. Fisher III and T. Darrell, "A Multi-Modal Approach for Determining Speaker Location and Focus", ICMI 2003


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