The PackedColorModel class is an abstract ColorModel class that works with pixel values which represent color and alpha information as separate samples and which pack all samples for a single pixel into a single int, short, or byte quantity. This class can be used with an arbitrary ColorSpace . The number of color samples in the pixel values must be the same as the number of color components in the ColorSpace. There can be a single alpha sample. The array length is always 1 for those methods that use a primitive array pixel representation of type transferType. The transfer types supported are DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT, and DataBuffer.TYPE_INT. Color and alpha samples are stored in the single element of the array in bits indicated by bit masks. Each bit mask must be contiguous and masks must not overlap. The same masks apply to the single int pixel representation used by other methods. The correspondence of masks and color/alpha samples is as follows:

The translation from pixel values to color/alpha components for display or processing purposes is a one-to-one correspondence of samples to components. A PackedColorModel is typically used with image data that uses masks to define packed samples. For example, a PackedColorModel can be used in conjunction with a SinglePixelPackedSampleModel to construct a BufferedImage . Normally the masks used by the SampleModel and the ColorModel would be the same. However, if they are different, the color interpretation of pixel data is done according to the masks of the ColorModel.

A single int pixel representation is valid for all objects of this class since it is always possible to represent pixel values used with this class in a single int. Therefore, methods that use this representation do not throw an IllegalArgumentException due to an invalid pixel value.

A subclass of PackedColorModel is DirectColorModel , which is similar to an X11 TrueColor visual.

Constructs a PackedColorModel from a color mask array, which specifies which bits in an int pixel representation contain each of the color samples, and an alpha mask. Color components are in the specified ColorSpace. The length of colorMaskArray should be the number of components in the ColorSpace. All of the bits in each mask must be contiguous and fit in the specified number of least significant bits of an int pixel representation. If the alphaMask is 0, there is no alpha. If there is alpha, the boolean isAlphaPremultiplied specifies how to interpret color and alpha samples in pixel values. If the boolean is true, color samples are assumed to have been multiplied by the alpha sample. The transparency, trans, specifies what alpha values can be represented by this color model. The transfer type is the type of primitive array used to represent pixel values.
spacethe specified ColorSpace
bitsthe number of bits in the pixel values
colorMaskArrayarray that specifies the masks representing the bits of the pixel values that represent the color components
alphaMaskspecifies the mask representing the bits of the pixel values that represent the alpha component
isAlphaPremultipliedtrue if color samples are premultiplied by the alpha sample; false otherwise
transspecifies the alpha value that can be represented by this color model
transferTypethe type of array used to represent pixel values
IllegalArgumentExceptionif bits is less than 1 or greater than 32
Constructs a PackedColorModel from the specified masks which indicate which bits in an int pixel representation contain the alpha, red, green and blue color samples. Color components are in the specified ColorSpace, which must be of type ColorSpace.TYPE_RGB. All of the bits in each mask must be contiguous and fit in the specified number of least significant bits of an int pixel representation. If amask is 0, there is no alpha. If there is alpha, the boolean isAlphaPremultiplied specifies how to interpret color and alpha samples in pixel values. If the boolean is true, color samples are assumed to have been multiplied by the alpha sample. The transparency, trans, specifies what alpha values can be represented by this color model. The transfer type is the type of primitive array used to represent pixel values.
spacethe specified ColorSpace
bitsthe number of bits in the pixel values
rmaskspecifies the mask representing the bits of the pixel values that represent the red color component
gmaskspecifies the mask representing the bits of the pixel values that represent the green color component
bmaskspecifies the mask representing the bits of the pixel values that represent the blue color component
amaskspecifies the mask representing the bits of the pixel values that represent the alpha component
isAlphaPremultipliedtrue if color samples are premultiplied by the alpha sample; false otherwise
transspecifies the alpha value that can be represented by this color model
transferTypethe type of array used to represent pixel values
IllegalArgumentExceptionif space is not a TYPE_RGB space
See Also
Forces the raster data to match the state specified in the isAlphaPremultiplied variable, assuming the data is currently correctly described by this ColorModel. It may multiply or divide the color raster data by alpha, or do nothing if the data is in the correct state. If the data needs to be coerced, this method will also return an instance of this ColorModel with the isAlphaPremultiplied flag set appropriately. This method will throw a UnsupportedOperationException if it is not supported by this ColorModel. Since ColorModel is an abstract class, any instance is an instance of a subclass. Subclasses must override this method since the implementation in this abstract class throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
rasterthe WritableRaster data
isAlphaPremultipliedtrue if the alpha is premultiplied; false otherwise
a ColorModel object that represents the coerced data.
Creates a SampleModel with the specified width and height that has a data layout compatible with this ColorModel.
wthe width (in pixels) of the region of the image data described
hthe height (in pixels) of the region of the image data described
the newly created SampleModel.
IllegalArgumentExceptionif w or h is not greater than 0
See Also
Creates a WritableRaster with the specified width and height that has a data layout (SampleModel) compatible with this ColorModel. Since ColorModel is an abstract class, any instance is an instance of a subclass. Subclasses must override this method since the implementation in this abstract class throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
wthe width to apply to the new WritableRaster
hthe height to apply to the new WritableRaster
a WritableRaster object with the specified width and height.
UnsupportedOperationExceptionif this method is not supported by this ColorModel
Tests if the specified Object is an instance of PackedColorModel and equals this PackedColorModel.
objthe Object to test for equality
true if the specified Object is an instance of PackedColorModel and equals this PackedColorModel; false otherwise.
Disposes of system resources associated with this ColorModel once this ColorModel is no longer referenced.
Returns the alpha component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255. The pixel value is specified as an int. An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if pixel values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable as a single int.
pixelthe specified pixel
the value of alpha component of the specified pixel.
Returns the alpha component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255. The pixel value is specified by an array of data elements of type transferType passed in as an object reference. If inData is not a primitive array of type transferType, a ClassCastException is thrown. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if inData is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel. If this transferType is not supported, a UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown. Since ColorModel is an abstract class, any instance must be an instance of a subclass. Subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it, this method throws an exception if the subclass uses a transferType other than DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT, or DataBuffer.TYPE_INT.
inDatathe specified pixel
the alpha component of the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255.
ClassCastExceptionif inData is not a primitive array of type transferType
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif inData is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel
UnsupportedOperationExceptionif this tranferType is not supported by this ColorModel
Returns a WritableRaster representing the alpha channel of an image, extracted from the input WritableRaster. This method assumes that WritableRaster objects associated with this ColorModel store the alpha band, if present, as the last band of image data. Returns null if there is no separate spatial alpha channel associated with this ColorModel. This method creates a new WritableRaster, but shares the data array.
rastera WritableRaster containing an image
a WritableRaster that represents the alpha channel of the image contained in raster.
Returns the blue color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB. A color conversion is done if necessary. The pixel value is specified as an int. An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if pixel values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable as a single int. The returned value is a non pre-multiplied value, for example, if the alpha is premultiplied, this method divides it out before returning the value. If the alpha value is 0, the blue value is 0.
pixelthe specified pixel
the value of the blue component of the specified pixel.
Returns the blue color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB. A color conversion is done if necessary. The pixel value is specified by an array of data elements of type transferType passed in as an object reference. The returned value is a non pre-multiplied value. For example, if the alpha is premultiplied, this method divides it out before returning the value. If the alpha value is 0, the blue value will be 0. If inData is not a primitive array of type transferType, a ClassCastException is thrown. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if inData is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel. If this transferType is not supported, a UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown. Since ColorModel is an abstract class, any instance must be an instance of a subclass. Subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it, this method throws an exception if the subclass uses a transferType other than DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT, or DataBuffer.TYPE_INT.
inDataan array of pixel values
the value of the blue component of the specified pixel.
ClassCastExceptionif inData is not a primitive array of type transferType
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif inData is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel
UnsupportedOperationExceptionif this tranferType is not supported by this ColorModel
Returns the runtime class of an object. That Class object is the object that is locked by static synchronized methods of the represented class.
The java.lang.Class object that represents the runtime class of the object. The result is of type {@code Class} where X is the erasure of the static type of the expression on which getClass is called.
Returns the ColorSpace associated with this ColorModel.
the ColorSpace of this ColorModel.
Returns an array of unnormalized color/alpha components given a pixel in this ColorModel. The pixel value is specified as an int. An IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if pixel values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable as a single int or if color component values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable in the unnormalized form. For example, this method can be used to retrieve the components for a specific pixel value in a DirectColorModel. If the components array is null, a new array will be allocated. The components array will be returned. Color/alpha components are stored in the components array starting at offset (even if the array is allocated by this method). An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if the components array is not null and is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting at offset). Since ColorModel is an abstract class, any instance is an instance of a subclass. Subclasses must override this method since the implementation in this abstract class throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
pixelthe specified pixel
componentsthe array to receive the color and alpha components of the specified pixel
offsetthe offset into the components array at which to start storing the color and alpha components
an array containing the color and alpha components of the specified pixel starting at the specified offset.
UnsupportedOperationExceptionif this method is not supported by this ColorModel
Returns an array of unnormalized color/alpha components given a pixel in this ColorModel. The pixel value is specified by an array of data elements of type transferType passed in as an object reference. If pixel is not a primitive array of type transferType, a ClassCastException is thrown. An IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if color component values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable in the unnormalized form. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if pixel is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel. This method can be used to retrieve the components for a specific pixel value in any ColorModel. If the components array is null, a new array will be allocated. The components array will be returned. Color/alpha components are stored in the components array starting at offset (even if the array is allocated by this method). An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if the components array is not null and is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting at offset). Since ColorModel is an abstract class, any instance is an instance of a subclass. Subclasses must override this method since the implementation in this abstract class throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
pixelthe specified pixel
componentsan array that receives the color and alpha components of the specified pixel
offsetthe index into the components array at which to begin storing the color and alpha components of the specified pixel
an array containing the color and alpha components of the specified pixel starting at the specified offset.
UnsupportedOperationExceptionif this method is not supported by this ColorModel
Returns an array of the number of bits per color/alpha component. The array contains the color components in the order specified by the ColorSpace, followed by the alpha component, if present.
an array of the number of bits per color/alpha component
Returns the number of bits for the specified color/alpha component. Color components are indexed in the order specified by the ColorSpace. Typically, this order reflects the name of the color space type. For example, for TYPE_RGB, index 0 corresponds to red, index 1 to green, and index 2 to blue. If this ColorModel supports alpha, the alpha component corresponds to the index following the last color component.
componentIdxthe index of the color/alpha component
the number of bits for the color/alpha component at the specified index.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif componentIdx is greater than the number of components or less than zero
NullPointerExceptionif the number of bits array is null
Returns a pixel value represented as an int in this ColorModel, given an array of normalized color/alpha components. This method will throw an IllegalArgumentException if pixel values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable as a single int. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if the normComponents array is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting at normOffset). Since ColorModel is an abstract class, any instance is an instance of a subclass. The default implementation of this method in this abstract class first converts from the normalized form to the unnormalized form and then calls getDataElement(int[], int). Subclasses which may have instances which do not support the unnormalized form must override this method.
normComponentsan array of normalized color and alpha components
normOffsetthe index into normComponents at which to begin retrieving the color and alpha components
an int pixel value in this ColorModel corresponding to the specified components.
IllegalArgumentExceptionif pixel values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable as a single int
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif the normComponents array is not large enough to hold all of the color and alpha components starting at normOffset
Returns a pixel value represented as an int in this ColorModel, given an array of unnormalized color/alpha components. This method will throw an IllegalArgumentException if component values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable as a single int or if color component values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable in the unnormalized form. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if the components array is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting at offset). Since ColorModel is an abstract class, any instance is an instance of a subclass. Subclasses must override this method since the implementation in this abstract class throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
componentsan array of unnormalized color and alpha components
offsetthe index into components at which to begin retrieving the color and alpha components
an int pixel value in this ColorModel corresponding to the specified components.
IllegalArgumentExceptionif pixel values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable as a single int
IllegalArgumentExceptionif component values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable in the unnormalized form
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif the components array is not large enough to hold all of the color and alpha components starting at offset
UnsupportedOperationExceptionif this method is not supported by this ColorModel
Returns a data element array representation of a pixel in this ColorModel, given an array of normalized color/alpha components. This array can then be passed to the setDataElements method of a WritableRaster object. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if the normComponents array is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting at normOffset). If the obj variable is null, a new array will be allocated. If obj is not null, it must be a primitive array of type transferType; otherwise, a ClassCastException is thrown. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if obj is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel. Since ColorModel is an abstract class, any instance is an instance of a subclass. The default implementation of this method in this abstract class first converts from the normalized form to the unnormalized form and then calls getDataElement(int[], int, Object). Subclasses which may have instances which do not support the unnormalized form must override this method.
normComponentsan array of normalized color and alpha components
normOffsetthe index into normComponents at which to begin retrieving color and alpha components
obja primitive data array to hold the returned pixel
an Object which is a primitive data array representation of a pixel
ClassCastExceptionif obj is not a primitive array of type transferType
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif obj is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel or the normComponents array is not large enough to hold all of the color and alpha components starting at normOffset
Returns a data element array representation of a pixel in this ColorModel, given an array of unnormalized color/alpha components. This array can then be passed to the setDataElements method of a WritableRaster object. This method will throw an IllegalArgumentException if color component values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable in the unnormalized form. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if the components array is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting at offset). If the obj variable is null, a new array will be allocated. If obj is not null, it must be a primitive array of type transferType; otherwise, a ClassCastException is thrown. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if obj is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel. Since ColorModel is an abstract class, any instance is an instance of a subclass. Subclasses must override this method since the implementation in this abstract class throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
componentsan array of unnormalized color and alpha components
offsetthe index into components at which to begin retrieving color and alpha components
objthe Object representing an array of color and alpha components
an Object representing an array of color and alpha components.
ClassCastExceptionif obj is not a primitive array of type transferType
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif obj is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel or the components array is not large enough to hold all of the color and alpha components starting at offset
IllegalArgumentExceptionif component values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable in the unnormalized form
UnsupportedOperationExceptionif this method is not supported by this ColorModel
Returns a data element array representation of a pixel in this ColorModel, given an integer pixel representation in the default RGB color model. This array can then be passed to the WritableRaster#setDataElements method of a WritableRaster object. If the pixel variable is null, a new array will be allocated. If pixel is not null, it must be a primitive array of type transferType; otherwise, a ClassCastException is thrown. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if pixel is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel. The pixel array is returned. If this transferType is not supported, a UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown. Since ColorModel is an abstract class, any instance is an instance of a subclass. Subclasses must override this method since the implementation in this abstract class throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
rgbthe integer pixel representation in the default RGB color model
pixelthe specified pixel
an array representation of the specified pixel in this ColorModel.
ClassCastExceptionif pixel is not a primitive array of type transferType
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif pixel is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel
UnsupportedOperationExceptionif this method is not supported by this ColorModel
Returns the green color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB. A color conversion is done if necessary. The pixel value is specified as an int. An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if pixel values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable as a single int. The returned value is a non pre-multiplied value. For example, if the alpha is premultiplied, this method divides it out before returning the value. If the alpha value is 0, the green value is 0.
pixelthe specified pixel
the value of the green component of the specified pixel.
Returns the green color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB. A color conversion is done if necessary. The pixel value is specified by an array of data elements of type transferType passed in as an object reference. The returned value will be a non pre-multiplied value. For example, if the alpha is premultiplied, this method divides it out before returning the value. If the alpha value is 0, the green value is 0. If inData is not a primitive array of type transferType, a ClassCastException is thrown. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if inData is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel. If this transferType is not supported, a UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown. Since ColorModel is an abstract class, any instance must be an instance of a subclass. Subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it, this method throws an exception if the subclass uses a transferType other than DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT, or DataBuffer.TYPE_INT.
inDataan array of pixel values
the value of the green component of the specified pixel.
ClassCastExceptionif inData is not a primitive array of type transferType
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif inData is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel
UnsupportedOperationExceptionif this tranferType is not supported by this ColorModel
Returns the mask indicating which bits in a pixel contain the specified color/alpha sample. For color samples, index corresponds to the placement of color sample names in the color space. Thus, an index equal to 0 for a CMYK ColorSpace would correspond to Cyan and an index equal to 1 would correspond to Magenta. If there is alpha, the alpha index would be:
      alphaIndex = numComponents() - 1;
indexthe specified color or alpha sample
the mask, which indicates which bits of the int pixel representation contain the color or alpha sample specified by index.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif index is greater than the number of components minus 1 in this PackedColorModel or if index is less than zero
Returns a mask array indicating which bits in a pixel contain the color and alpha samples.
the mask array , which indicates which bits of the int pixel representation contain the color or alpha samples.
Returns an array of all of the color/alpha components in normalized form, given an unnormalized component array. Unnormalized components are unsigned integral values between 0 and 2n - 1, where n is the number of bits for a particular component. Normalized components are float values between a per component minimum and maximum specified by the ColorSpace object for this ColorModel. An IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if color component values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable in the unnormalized form. If the normComponents array is null, a new array will be allocated. The normComponents array will be returned. Color/alpha components are stored in the normComponents array starting at normOffset (even if the array is allocated by this method). An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if the normComponents array is not null and is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting at normOffset). An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if the components array is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components starting at offset.

Since ColorModel is an abstract class, any instance is an instance of a subclass. The default implementation of this method in this abstract class assumes that component values for this class are conveniently representable in the unnormalized form. Therefore, subclasses which may have instances which do not support the unnormalized form must override this method.

componentsan array containing unnormalized components
offsetthe offset into the components array at which to start retrieving unnormalized components
normComponentsan array that receives the normalized components
normOffsetthe index into normComponents at which to begin storing normalized components
an array containing normalized color and alpha components.
IllegalArgumentExceptionIf the component values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable in the unnormalized form.
UnsupportedOperationExceptionif the constructor of this ColorModel called the super(bits) constructor, but did not override this method. See the constructor, {@link #ColorModel(int)}.
UnsupportedOperationExceptionif this method is unable to determine the number of bits per component
Returns an array of all of the color/alpha components in normalized form, given a pixel in this ColorModel. The pixel value is specified by an array of data elements of type transferType passed in as an object reference. If pixel is not a primitive array of type transferType, a ClassCastException is thrown. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if pixel is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel. Normalized components are float values between a per component minimum and maximum specified by the ColorSpace object for this ColorModel. If the normComponents array is null, a new array will be allocated. The normComponents array will be returned. Color/alpha components are stored in the normComponents array starting at normOffset (even if the array is allocated by this method). An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if the normComponents array is not null and is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting at normOffset). Since ColorModel is an abstract class, any instance is an instance of a subclass. The default implementation of this method in this abstract class first retrieves color and alpha components in the unnormalized form using getComponents(Object, int[], int) and then calls getNormalizedComponents(int[], int, float[], int). Subclasses which may have instances which do not support the unnormalized form must override this method.
pixelthe specified pixel
normComponentsan array to receive the normalized components
normOffsetthe offset into the normComponents array at which to start storing normalized components
an array containing normalized color and alpha components.
ClassCastExceptionif pixel is not a primitive array of type transferType
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif normComponents is not large enough to hold all color and alpha components starting at normOffset
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif pixel is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel.
UnsupportedOperationExceptionif the constructor of this ColorModel called the super(bits) constructor, but did not override this method. See the constructor, {@link #ColorModel(int)}.
UnsupportedOperationExceptionif this method is unable to determine the number of bits per component
Returns the number of color components in this ColorModel. This is the number of components returned by ColorSpace#getNumComponents .
the number of color components in this ColorModel.
Returns the number of components, including alpha, in this ColorModel. This is equal to the number of color components, optionally plus one, if there is an alpha component.
the number of components in this ColorModel
Returns the number of bits per pixel described by this ColorModel.
the number of bits per pixel.
Returns the red color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB. A color conversion is done if necessary. The pixel value is specified as an int. An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if pixel values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable as a single int. The returned value is not a pre-multiplied value. For example, if the alpha is premultiplied, this method divides it out before returning the value. If the alpha value is 0, the red value is 0.
pixela specified pixel
the value of the red component of the specified pixel.
Returns the red color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB. A color conversion is done if necessary. The pixel value is specified by an array of data elements of type transferType passed in as an object reference. The returned value is a non pre-multiplied value. For example, if alpha is premultiplied, this method divides it out before returning the value. If the alpha value is 0, the red value is 0. If inData is not a primitive array of type transferType, a ClassCastException is thrown. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if inData is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel. If this transferType is not supported, a UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown. Since ColorModel is an abstract class, any instance must be an instance of a subclass. Subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it, this method throws an exception if the subclass uses a transferType other than DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT, or DataBuffer.TYPE_INT.
inDataan array of pixel values
the value of the red component of the specified pixel.
ClassCastExceptionif inData is not a primitive array of type transferType
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif inData is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel
UnsupportedOperationExceptionif this tranferType is not supported by this ColorModel
Returns the color/alpha components of the pixel in the default RGB color model format. A color conversion is done if necessary. The pixel value is specified as an int. An IllegalArgumentException thrown if pixel values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable as a single int. The returned value is in a non pre-multiplied format. For example, if the alpha is premultiplied, this method divides it out of the color components. If the alpha value is 0, the color values are 0.
pixelthe specified pixel
the RGB value of the color/alpha components of the specified pixel.
Returns the color/alpha components for the specified pixel in the default RGB color model format. A color conversion is done if necessary. The pixel value is specified by an array of data elements of type transferType passed in as an object reference. If inData is not a primitive array of type transferType, a ClassCastException is thrown. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if inData is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel. The returned value will be in a non pre-multiplied format, i.e. if the alpha is premultiplied, this method will divide it out of the color components (if the alpha value is 0, the color values will be 0).
inDatathe specified pixel
the color and alpha components of the specified pixel.
Returns a DirectColorModel that describes the default format for integer RGB values used in many of the methods in the AWT image interfaces for the convenience of the programmer. The color space is the default ColorSpace , sRGB. The format for the RGB values is an integer with 8 bits each of alpha, red, green, and blue color components ordered correspondingly from the most significant byte to the least significant byte, as in: 0xAARRGGBB. Color components are not premultiplied by the alpha component. This format does not necessarily represent the native or the most efficient ColorModel for a particular device or for all images. It is merely used as a common color model format.
a DirectColorModelobject describing default RGB values.
Returns the transfer type of this ColorModel. The transfer type is the type of primitive array used to represent pixel values as arrays.
the transfer type.
Returns the transparency. Returns either OPAQUE, BITMASK, or TRANSLUCENT.
the transparency of this ColorModel.
Returns an array of all of the color/alpha components in unnormalized form, given a normalized component array. Unnormalized components are unsigned integral values between 0 and 2n - 1, where n is the number of bits for a particular component. Normalized components are float values between a per component minimum and maximum specified by the ColorSpace object for this ColorModel. An IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if color component values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable in the unnormalized form. If the components array is null, a new array will be allocated. The components array will be returned. Color/alpha components are stored in the components array starting at offset (even if the array is allocated by this method). An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if the components array is not null and is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting at offset). An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if the normComponents array is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components starting at normOffset.
normComponentsan array containing normalized components
normOffsetthe offset into the normComponents array at which to start retrieving normalized components
componentsan array that receives the components from normComponents
offsetthe index into components at which to begin storing normalized components from normComponents
an array containing unnormalized color and alpha components.
IllegalArgumentExceptionIf the component values for this ColorModel are not conveniently representable in the unnormalized form.
IllegalArgumentExceptionif the length of normComponents minus normOffset is less than numComponents
UnsupportedOperationExceptionif the constructor of this ColorModel called the super(bits) constructor, but did not override this method. See the constructor, {@link #ColorModel(int)}.
Returns whether or not alpha is supported in this ColorModel.
true if alpha is supported in this ColorModel; false otherwise.
Returns the hash code for this ColorModel.
a hash code for this ColorModel.
Returns whether or not the alpha has been premultiplied in the pixel values to be translated by this ColorModel. If the boolean is true, this ColorModel is to be used to interpret pixel values in which color and alpha information are represented as separate spatial bands, and color samples are assumed to have been multiplied by the alpha sample.
true if the alpha values are premultiplied in the pixel values to be translated by this ColorModel; false otherwise.
Returns true if raster is compatible with this ColorModel and false if it is not. Since ColorModel is an abstract class, any instance is an instance of a subclass. Subclasses must override this method since the implementation in this abstract class throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
rasterthe {@link Raster} object to test for compatibility
true if raster is compatible with this ColorModel.
UnsupportedOperationExceptionif this method has not been implemented for this ColorModel
Checks if the specified SampleModel is compatible with this ColorModel. If sm is null, this method returns false.
smthe specified SampleModel, or null
true if the specified SampleModel is compatible with this ColorModel; false otherwise.
See Also
Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor. If any threads are waiting on this object, one of them is chosen to be awakened. The choice is arbitrary and occurs at the discretion of the implementation. A thread waits on an object's monitor by calling one of the wait methods.

The awakened thread will not be able to proceed until the current thread relinquishes the lock on this object. The awakened thread will compete in the usual manner with any other threads that might be actively competing to synchronize on this object; for example, the awakened thread enjoys no reliable privilege or disadvantage in being the next thread to lock this object.

This method should only be called by a thread that is the owner of this object's monitor. A thread becomes the owner of the object's monitor in one of three ways:

  • By executing a synchronized instance method of that object.
  • By executing the body of a synchronized statement that synchronizes on the object.
  • For objects of type Class, by executing a synchronized static method of that class.

Only one thread at a time can own an object's monitor.

IllegalMonitorStateExceptionif the current thread is not the owner of this object's monitor.
Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor. A thread waits on an object's monitor by calling one of the wait methods.

The awakened threads will not be able to proceed until the current thread relinquishes the lock on this object. The awakened threads will compete in the usual manner with any other threads that might be actively competing to synchronize on this object; for example, the awakened threads enjoy no reliable privilege or disadvantage in being the next thread to lock this object.

This method should only be called by a thread that is the owner of this object's monitor. See the notify method for a description of the ways in which a thread can become the owner of a monitor.

IllegalMonitorStateExceptionif the current thread is not the owner of this object's monitor.
Returns the String representation of the contents of this ColorModelobject.
a String representing the contents of this ColorModel object.
Causes current thread to wait until another thread invokes the method or the method for this object. In other words, this method behaves exactly as if it simply performs the call wait(0).

The current thread must own this object's monitor. The thread releases ownership of this monitor and waits until another thread notifies threads waiting on this object's monitor to wake up either through a call to the notify method or the notifyAll method. The thread then waits until it can re-obtain ownership of the monitor and resumes execution.

As in the one argument version, interrupts and spurious wakeups are possible, and this method should always be used in a loop:

     synchronized (obj) {
         while (<condition does not hold>)
         ... // Perform action appropriate to condition
This method should only be called by a thread that is the owner of this object's monitor. See the notify method for a description of the ways in which a thread can become the owner of a monitor.
IllegalMonitorStateExceptionif the current thread is not the owner of the object's monitor.
InterruptedExceptionif another thread interrupted the current thread before or while the current thread was waiting for a notification. The interrupted status of the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.
Causes current thread to wait until either another thread invokes the method or the method for this object, or a specified amount of time has elapsed.

The current thread must own this object's monitor.

This method causes the current thread (call it T) to place itself in the wait set for this object and then to relinquish any and all synchronization claims on this object. Thread T becomes disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until one of four things happens:

  • Some other thread invokes the notify method for this object and thread T happens to be arbitrarily chosen as the thread to be awakened.
  • Some other thread invokes the notifyAll method for this object.
  • Some other thread interrupts thread T.
  • The specified amount of real time has elapsed, more or less. If timeout is zero, however, then real time is not taken into consideration and the thread simply waits until notified.
The thread T is then removed from the wait set for this object and re-enabled for thread scheduling. It then competes in the usual manner with other threads for the right to synchronize on the object; once it has gained control of the object, all its synchronization claims on the object are restored to the status quo ante - that is, to the situation as of the time that the wait method was invoked. Thread T then returns from the invocation of the wait method. Thus, on return from the wait method, the synchronization state of the object and of thread T is exactly as it was when the wait method was invoked.

A thread can also wake up without being notified, interrupted, or timing out, a so-called spurious wakeup. While this will rarely occur in practice, applications must guard against it by testing for the condition that should have caused the thread to be awakened, and continuing to wait if the condition is not satisfied. In other words, waits should always occur in loops, like this one:

     synchronized (obj) {
         while (<condition does not hold>)
         ... // Perform action appropriate to condition
(For more information on this topic, see Section 3.2.3 in Doug Lea's "Concurrent Programming in Java (Second Edition)" (Addison-Wesley, 2000), or Item 50 in Joshua Bloch's "Effective Java Programming Language Guide" (Addison-Wesley, 2001).

If the current thread is interrupted by another thread while it is waiting, then an InterruptedException is thrown. This exception is not thrown until the lock status of this object has been restored as described above.

Note that the wait method, as it places the current thread into the wait set for this object, unlocks only this object; any other objects on which the current thread may be synchronized remain locked while the thread waits.

This method should only be called by a thread that is the owner of this object's monitor. See the notify method for a description of the ways in which a thread can become the owner of a monitor.

timeoutthe maximum time to wait in milliseconds.
IllegalArgumentExceptionif the value of timeout is negative.
IllegalMonitorStateExceptionif the current thread is not the owner of the object's monitor.
InterruptedExceptionif another thread interrupted the current thread before or while the current thread was waiting for a notification. The interrupted status of the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.
Causes current thread to wait until another thread invokes the method or the method for this object, or some other thread interrupts the current thread, or a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

This method is similar to the wait method of one argument, but it allows finer control over the amount of time to wait for a notification before giving up. The amount of real time, measured in nanoseconds, is given by:


In all other respects, this method does the same thing as the method of one argument. In particular, wait(0, 0) means the same thing as wait(0).

The current thread must own this object's monitor. The thread releases ownership of this monitor and waits until either of the following two conditions has occurred:

  • Another thread notifies threads waiting on this object's monitor to wake up either through a call to the notify method or the notifyAll method.
  • The timeout period, specified by timeout milliseconds plus nanos nanoseconds arguments, has elapsed.

The thread then waits until it can re-obtain ownership of the monitor and resumes execution.

As in the one argument version, interrupts and spurious wakeups are possible, and this method should always be used in a loop:

     synchronized (obj) {
         while (<condition does not hold>)
             obj.wait(timeout, nanos);
         ... // Perform action appropriate to condition
This method should only be called by a thread that is the owner of this object's monitor. See the notify method for a description of the ways in which a thread can become the owner of a monitor.
timeoutthe maximum time to wait in milliseconds.
nanosadditional time, in nanoseconds range 0-999999.
IllegalArgumentExceptionif the value of timeout is negative or the value of nanos is not in the range 0-999999.
IllegalMonitorStateExceptionif the current thread is not the owner of this object's monitor.
InterruptedExceptionif another thread interrupted the current thread before or while the current thread was waiting for a notification. The interrupted status of the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.