 | - The toilet trap
Episode III of "Mr. Big Goes Ballistic."
Evil has Good trapped in the toilet.
 | - Why gossip?
What compulsion drives us to corner our friends and
neighbours and bombard them with the latest saga of Mrs. Halmartin and
her plumber? Why do we insist on having heated arguments about why
a simple clogged shower is taking so long to fix?
 | - As happy as Larry
The end of the universe wasn't much fun really, but after the initial unpleasantness with the being ripped into infinitesimal shreds bit, it all got sorted out and everyone went away happy.
 | - Karl Marx
The workers have nothing to lose but their small change. They have a lottery to win.
 | - Charles Darwin
A theory of Supernatural Selection.
The trouble the alien beings went to to get rid of those dissident dodos would amaze you.
 | - Meaning of life
Scientists discover the meaning of life. Now there's only one
problem left.
 | - George Washington
I don't know about this democracy business.
An anarcho-syndicalist commune was more what I had in mind.
 | - Alien
Hello I'm Alien. You may remember me from the series of movies in which I sprang out of human's stomachs and devoured them.
 | - Barney
No-one wants to employ dinosaurs these days. Sob. They say we're obsolescent.
 | - Winston Churchill
During the War, I told the British public that I had nothing to offer them but "blood, toil, tears and sweat." But it was a lie. A sham.
In fact I had a box of chocolates hidden at the back of my sock drawer that I could have offered around.