Presentations and PostersCryptic, randomly scrambled by format conversions, stripped of videos, full of redundancy, and slow to load... enjoy!"The DayOne Project: Building a Truly Flexible Humanoid", talk at CMU, Pittsburgh, April 2005 (pdf, rough html, sxi)
"The DayOne Project", talk at Epigenetic Robotics, Genoa, Italy, August 2004 (pdf, rough html, ppt)
"Feal the Beat", talk at Epigenetic Robotics, Genoa, Italy, August 2004 (pdf, rough html, ppt)
"Opportunistic Perception", talk to Freeman's group at MIT, June 2004 (pdf, rough html, ppt)
"First Contact: an Active Vision Approach to Object Segmentation", talk at IROS 2003 (pdf, rough html, ppt)
"Object Lesson: Discovering and Learning to Recognize Objects", presented at the 3rd International IEEE/RAS Conference on Humanoids Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 2003 (pdf, ppt)
"Perception and Perspective in Robotics", invited talk at LIRA-LAB, Genoa, Italy, September 2003 (pdf, ppt)
"The Whole World in Your Hand: Active and Interactive Segmentation", presented to EPIROB 2003, Boston, MA, USA, August 2003 (pdf, ppt)
"Perception and Perspective in Robotics", poster at COGSCI 2003, Boston, MA, USA, August 2003 (pdf, ppt)
"From First Contact to Close Encounters: building a Developmentally Deep Perceptual System for a Humanoid Robot", thesis defense talk, MIT AI Lab, May 5, 2003 (pdf, ppt, rough html)
"Learning about Objects by Experiment", presentation to an entity that wishes to remain anonymous, June 2003 (pdf, ppt, rough html)
"Better Vision through Manipulation", presented to EPIROB 2002, Edinburgh, UK (pdf, ppt)
"Better Vision through Experimental Manipulation", a poster at WGW 2002, and a companion poster "Modeling the development of mirror neurons" prepared for DARPA (pdf #1 and #2, ppt #1 and #2, rough html #1 and #2)
"Better Vision through Poking", to Leg Lab group at MIT AI Lab, June 2002 (pdf, html, ppt)
"Reversibility and Quantum Computing", Area Exam, 2002 (pdf, rough html, ppt) and some videos of a Fredkin gate implemented with snooker/billiard balls (inputs 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111)
"Life in the Humanoid Robotics Group" at the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Tokyo, 2002 (pdf, html, ppt)
"Sociable Robots: Peeping into the Human World", to Embodied Intelligence class at MIT, 2002 (pdf, ppt)
"Characterizing and Processing Robot-Directed Speech" at the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Tokyo, 2002 (pdf, html, ppt)
"Ineffable Computing" at the Dangerous Ideas Seminar series, MIT AI Lab, 2001 (pdf, html, ppt)
"Quantum States" at group meeting, Humanoid Robotics Group, MIT AI Lab, 2001 (pdf, html, ppt)
"Robot Tasking" talk at group retreat, August 2001 (pdf, html, ppt)
"The Omega Device for Computer Scientists" talk at group retreat, August 2001 (pdf, html, ppt)
"Human-Robot Communication" talk for qualifying exam, January 2001 (pdf, html, ppt)
"Social Constraints on Animate Vision" at the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2000 (pdf, html, ppt)
"Face to Face: Robot Vision in Social Settings" talk at Kansai Advanced Research Center, Kobe, Japan, 2000 (pdf, html, ppt)
"Head Pose Estimation Without Manual Initialization", brief class presentation for MIT class 6.892 (pdf, html, ppt)
"Review of Essa and Pentland facial expression recognition", a presentation for MIT class 6.892 (pdf, ppt)
"From Word Spotting to OOV Modeling", very brief class presentation for MIT class 6.345 (pdf, html, ppt)
"Autonomous construction of maps by miniature robots" -- to the Computational Intelligence Group, University of Limerick, Ireland, October, 1996 (pdf, ppt)
"Behaviour-Based Control in Mobile Robotics" -- to Motorola Ireland, May 1996 (pdf, ppt)
"Scripting Languages And Environments" -- University of Limerick, April 1995 (pdf, ppt)
"Exploiting cross-modal rhythm for robot perception of objects", presented by Artur Arsenio at CIRAS 2003 (ppt, rough pdf, rough html)
"Shoes as a Platform for Vision", presented by Charlie Kemp at ISWC 2003 (pdf, rough html, ppt)