Third Workshop on Software Tools for MultiCore Systems (STMCS 2008)
in conjunction with the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO).

April 6, 2008 (1:30PM to 6:00PM)
Preliminary Program
call for paper
important dates


12:00Lunch (provided)

1:35 Session 1: Tools and Frameworks
  • A Map Reduce Framework for Programming Graphics Processors [paper pdf][talk pdf]
    Bryan Catanzaro, Narayanan Sundaram and Kurt Keutzer (U.C. Berkeley)

  • Automated Dynamic Analysis of CUDA Programs [paper pdf][talk ppt]
    Michael Boyer, Kevin Skadron, Westley Weimer (University of Virginia)

  • Synchronization Aware Conflict Resolution for Runtime Monitoring Using Transactional Memory [paper pdf][talk ppt]
    Chen Tian, Vijay Nagarajan, Rajiv Gupta (U.C. Riverside)

  • 2:45 Session 2: Using Multicores
  • Simulation of Streaming Application on Multicore Systems [paper pdf][talk ppt]
    Saurabh Gayen, Mark Franklin, Eric Tyson, Roger Chamberlain (Washington University in St. Louis)

  • MATS: Multicore Adaptive Trace Selection [paper pdf][talk pdf]
    Jason Mars and Mary Lou Soffa (University of Virginia)

  • 3:30Break
    4:00 Session 3: Ideas and Positions
  • Numerical Algorithms with Tunable Parallelism [paper pdf][talk pdf]
    Aparna Chandramowlishwaran, Abhinav Kahru, Ketan Umare, Richard Vuduc (Georgia Institute of Technology)

  • Why Should I Rewrite My Software When Dynamic Compilation Can Be Good Enough? [paper pdf][talk ppt]
    Nathan Clark (Georgia Institute of Technology)

  • 5:00 Keynote:
  • Browsing Web 3.0 on 3.0 Watts (or Why Browsers Will Be Parallel and Implications for Education)
  • Prof. Ras Bodik (U.C. Berkeley)