Yusuf Aytar

Post-Doctoral Research Associate

Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Office: 32-D475B,
32 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA

Research Interests

Computer Vision, Machine Learning

deep learning, object detection, image/video retrieval,
scene understanding, transfer learning, cross-modal learning

Short Bio

Yusuf is a post-doctoral research associate working with Prof. Antonio Torralba at CSAIL, MIT. He obtained his PhD (2014) degree from the Visual Geometry Group at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Prof. Andrew Zisserman. As a Fulbright scholar, he obtained his MSc (2008) degree from Computer Vision Lab at the University of Central Florida under the supervision of Prof. Mubarak Shah, and his B.E. degree in Computer Engineering (2005) in Ege University. He had internships in Siemens Corporate Research in Priceton, NJ, and Google Research in Mountain View, CA. Outcomes of his research are published in major computer vision conferences such as BMVC, CVPR, and ICCV.

Curriculum Vitae


Y. Aytar, C. Vondrick, A. Torralba * denotes equal contribution
ArXiv, 2017

A. Salvador*, N. Hynes*, Y. Aytar, J. Marin, F. Ofli, I. Weber, A. Torralba * denotes equal contribution
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017

F. Ofli, Y. Aytar, I. Weber, R. al-Hammouri, A. Torralba
International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW), 2017

Y. Aytar*, C. Vondrick*, A. Torralba * denotes equal contribution
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2016

L. Castrejón*, Y. Aytar*, C. Vondrick, H. Pirsiavash, A. Torralba * denotes equal contribution
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016

Y. Aytar, A. Zisserman
Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2015

Y. Aytar, A. Zisserman
European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ECCVW), 2014

Y. Aytar, A. Zisserman
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014

Y. Aytar, A. Zisserman
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2012

Y. Aytar, A. Zisserman
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011

Y. Aytar, M. Shah, J. Luo
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2008

Y. Aytar
MSc. Thesis, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, US, May 2008

Y. Aytar, O. B. Orhan and M. Shah
International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), 2007