Procedural Authoring of Solid Models

Barbara Cutler
PhD Defense
August 14th,2003

Project Page

1: Procedural Authoring of Solid Models
2: Motivation
3: Motivation
4: 3D Digitizing
5: Surface Modeling
6: Surface Modeling
7: Volumetric Data Acquisition
8: Volumetric Representations
9: Physical Simulations
10: Procedural Modeling
11: Key Contributions
12: System Overview[1]
13: System Overview[2]
14: System Overview[3]
15: System Overview[4]
16: Layered Volumes
17: Layers are Everywhere
18: Input Surfaces
19: Layers[1]
20: Layers[2]
21: Layers[3]
22: Layers[4]
23: Mesh Interaction
24: Intermediate Shapes
25: Distance Field Operators
26: Non-uniform Isosurface Velocity[1]
27: Non-uniform Isosurface Velocity[2]
28: Materials[1]
29: Materials[2]
30: Procedural Material Variations[1]
31: Procedural Material Variations[2]
32: Tree Stump[1]
33: Tree Stump[2]
34: Tree Stump[3]
35: Sculpting and Simulation Operators
36: Gargoyle[1]
37: Gargoyle[2]
38: Gargoyle[3]
39: Gargoyle[4]
40: Gargoyle[5]
41: Gargoyle[6]
42: Operator Interface[1]
43: Operator Interface[2]
44: Operator Interface[3]
45: Tetrahedral Infrastructure
46: Tetrahedral Meshes
47: Signed Distance Field
48: Input Surface Requirements
49: Distance Field Initialization
50: Tetrahedralization
51: Uniform Grid
52: Adaptive Grid
53: Measuring Element Quality
54: Simplification and Mesh Improvement Strategy
55: Before Simplification
56: After Simplification
57: Interactive Deformation
58: Interactive Sculpting[1]
59: Interactive Sculpting[2]
60: Lost Wax Casting[1]
61: Lost Wax Casting[2]
62: Lost Wax Casting[3]
63: Putting it All Together
64: Conclusions
65: Future Work
66: Acknowledgements