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Re: Have you always dreamed of become a high payed consultant?

In article <3de42205_1@Usenet.com>, Peter E. C. Dashwood <dashwood@nospa
m.enternet.co.nz> writes
>Now, see, if that had been me, I would have used another of MacBeth's
>soliloquys: "We are but teachers preaching bloody instructions, which, being
>taught, return to plague th' inventor...This even handed justice commends
>our poisoned chalice to our own lips." Now doesn't that sum up programming
>and debugging perfectly? 

No. In my experience I fix the bugs that someone else put in. Where's
the justice in that?

> And good ol' Willy wrote it 400 years before
>computers were invented! Don't tell me the man wasn't a genius...<G>)
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Alistair Maclean

Algorithmic, heuristic, sadistic
- Stanislaw Lem