Tommi S. Jaakkola, Ph.D.
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Stata Center, Bldg 32-G498
Cambridge, MA 02139

E-mail: tommi at







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List of papers, machine learning, computational biology, information retrieval, or reinforcement learning

List of papers

  • D. Sontag, A. Globerson, and T. Jaakkola.
    Introduction to dual decomposition for inference.
    In S. Sra, S. Nowozin, and S. Wright, Eds., Optimization for Machine Learning. MIT Press, 2010. To appear.

  • Y. Guo, G. Papachristoudis, R. Altshuler, G. Gerber, T. Jaakkola, D. Gifford, and S. Mahony.
    Discovering homotypic binding events at high spatial resolution.
    Bioinformatics, 2010. To appear.
    [link to paper]

  • D. Sontag, O. Meshi, T. Jaakkola, and A. Globerson.
    More data means less inference: A pseudo-max approach to structured learning.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24, 2010. To appear.

  • A. Rush, D. Sontag, M. Collins, and T. Jaakkola.
    On dual decomposition and linear programming relaxations for natural language processing.
    In Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2010.

  • T. Koo, A. Rush, M. Collins, T. Jaakkola, and D. Sontag.
    Dual decomposition for parsing with non-projective head automata.
    In Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2010. Best paper award.

  • E. Minkov, B. Charrow, J. Ledlie, S. Teller, and T. Jaakkola.
    Collaborative future event recommendation.
    In International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2010. To appear.

  • O. Meshi, D. Sontag, T. Jaakkola, and A. Globerson.
    Learning efficiently with approximate inference via dual losses.
    In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2010.

  • T. Jaakkola, D. Sontag, A. Globerson, and M. Meila.
    Learning bayesian network structure using lp relaxations.
    In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2010.
    [pdf], [related pdf slides]

  • D. Sontag and T. Jaakkola.
    Tree block coordinate descent for map in graphical models.
    In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2009.

  • D. Sontag, A. Globerson, and T. Jaakkola.
    Clusters and coarse partitions in lp relaxations.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21, 2008.

  • D. Sontag, T. Meltzer, A. Globerson, T. Jaakkola, and Y. Weiss.
    Tightening lp relaxations for map using message passing.
    In Proceedings of the 24rd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2008.

  • D. Sontag and T. Jaakkola.
    New outer bounds on the marginal polytope.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20, 2007.

  • A. Globerson and T. Jaakkola.
    Fixing max-product: Convergent message passing algorithms for map lp-relaxations.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20, 2007.

  • G. Gerber, R. Dowell, T. Jaakkola, and D. Gifford.
    Automated discovery of functional generality of human gene expression programs.
    PloS Computational biology, 2007.
    [link to paper]

  • A. Globerson and T. Jaakkola.
    Convergent propagation algorithms via oriented trees.
    In Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2007.

  • D. Sontag and T. Jaakkola.
    On iteratively constraining the marginal polytope for approximate inference and map.
    Technical report, 2007.

  • A. Globerson and T. Jaakkola.
    Approximate inference using conditional entropy decompositions.
    In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2007.

  • H. Steck and T. Jaakkola.
    Predictive discretization during model selection.
    In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2007.

  • A. Globerson and T. Jaakkola.
    Approximate inference using planar graph decomposition.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19, 2006.

  • L. Perez-Breva, L. Ortiz, C-H. Yeang, and T. Jaakkola.
    Game theoretic algorithms for protein-dna binding.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19, 2006.

  • A. Qi and T. Jaakkola.
    Parameter expanded variational bayesian methods.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19, 2006.

  • Y Qi, A. Rolfe, K. MacIsaac, G. Gerber, D. Pokholok, J. Zeitlinger, T. Danford, R. Dowell, E. Fraenkel, T. Jaakkola, R. Young, and D. Gifford.
    High-resolution computational models of genome binding events.
    Nature Biotechnology, 24:963--970, 2006.
    [pdf], [pdf]

  • Y. Qi, P. Missiuro, A. Kapoor, C. Hunter, T. Jaakkola, D. Gifford, and H. Ge.
    Semi-supervised analysis of gene expression profiles for lineage-specific development in the caenorhabditis elegans embryo.
    Bioinformatics, 22(14):417--423, 2006.

  • L. Perez-Breva, L. Ortiz, C-H. Yeang, and T. Jaakkola.
    Dna binding and games.
    MIT CSAIL Technical Report TR-2006-018, 2006.

  • A. Corduneanu and T. Jaakkola.
    Data dependent regularization.
    In Semi-supervised learning. MIT Press, 2006.

  • M. Wainwright, T. Jaakkola, and A. Willsky.
    Map estimation via agreement on (hyper)trees: Message-passing and linear-programming approaches.
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 51(11):3697--3717, 2005.

  • J. Rennie and T. Jaakkola.
    Using term informativeness for named entity detection.
    In Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), 2005.

  • C-H. Yeang and T. Jaakkola.
    Modeling the combinatorial functions of multiple transcription factors.
    In The Ninth Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, 2005.

  • C-H. Yeang, H. Mak, S. McCuine, C. Workman, T. Jaakkola, and T. Ideker.
    Validation and refinement of gene-regulatory pathways on a network of physical interactions.
    Genome Biology, 6(7):R62, 2005.
    [pdf], [link to paper]

  • M. Wainwright, T. Jaakkola, and A. Willsky.
    A new class of upper bounds on the log partition function.
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 51:2313--2335, 2005.

  • R. Rosales and T. Jaakkola.
    Focused inference.
    In Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2005.

  • N. Srebro, N. Alon, and T. Jaakkola.
    Generalization error bounds for collaborative prediction with low-rank matrices.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17, 2004.

  • N. Srebro, J. Rennie, and T. Jaakkola.
    Maximum margin matrix factorization.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17, 2004.

  • A. Corduneanu and T. Jaakkola.
    Distributed information regularization on graphs.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17, 2004.

  • M. Wainwright, T. Jaakkola, and A. Willsky.
    Tree consistency and bounds on the performance of the max-product algorithm and its generalizations.
    Statistics and Computing, 14(2):143--166, 2004.

  • C-H. Yeang, T. Ideker, and T. Jaakkola.
    Physical network models.
    Journal of Computational Biology, 11(2-3):243--263, 2004.

  • N. Srebro and T. Jaakkola.
    Linear dependent dimensionality reduction.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16, 2003.

  • C. Monteleoni and T. Jaakkola.
    Online learning of non-stationary sequences.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16, 2003.
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  • H. Steck and T. Jaakkola.
    Bias-corrected bootstrap and model uncertainty.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16, 2003.

  • A. Corduneanu and T. Jaakkola.
    On information regularization.
    In Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2003.
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  • Z. Bar-Joseph, G. Gerber, Simon, Gifford I., D., and T. Jaakkola.
    Comparing continuous representations of time series expression profiles to identify differentially expressed genes.
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100(18):10146--10151, 2003.
    [pdf], [link to paper]

  • Z. Bar-Joseph, G. Gerber, T. Lee, N. Rinaldi, J. Yoo, F. Robert, B. Gordon, E. Fraenkel, T. Jaakkola, R. Young, and D. Gifford.
    Computational discovery of gene modules and regulatory networks.
    Nature Biotechnology, 21(11):1337--1342, 2003.
    [pdf], [link to paper]

  • H. Steck and T. Jaakkola.
    Semi-predictive discretization during model selection.
    AI Memo AIM-2003-002, 2003.

  • Z. Bar-Joseph, G. Gerber, D. Gifford, T. Jaakkola, and I. Simon.
    Continuous representations of time series gene expression data.
    Journal of Computational Biology, 10(3-4):241--256, 2003.

  • N. Srebro and T. Jaakkola.
    Weighted low-rank approximations.
    In Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Machine Learning, 2003.

  • C-H. Yeang and T. Jaakkola.
    Time series analysis of gene expression and location data.
    In Proceedings of the Third IEEE Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, pages 305--312, 2003.

  • C-H. Yeang and T. Jaakkola.
    Physical network models and multi-source data integration.
    In The Seventh Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, 2003.

  • N. Srebro and T. Jaakkola.
    Generalized low-rank approximations.
    AI Memo AIM-2003-001, 2003.

  • H. Steck and T. Jaakkola.
    On the dirichlet prior and bayesian regularization.
    In Advances in Neural Information processing systems 15, 2002.
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  • M. Wainwright, T. Jaakkola, and A. Willsky.
    Tree-based parameterization framework for analysis of belief propagation and related algorithms.
    IEEE Transactions on information theory, 2002.

  • M. J. Wainwright, T. Jaakkola, and A. S. Willsky.
    Exact map estimates by (hyper)tree agreement.
    In Advances in Neural Information processing systems 15, 2002.
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  • M. Szummer and T. Jaakkola.
    Information regularization with partially labeled data.
    In Advances in Neural Information processing systems 15, 2002.

  • Ziv Bar-Joseph, Erik D. Demaine, David K. Gifford, Angele M. Hamel, Tommi S. Jaakkola, and Nathan Srebro.
    K-ary clustering with optimal leaf ordering for gene expression data.
    Bioinformatics (to appear), 2002.

  • A. Corduneanu and T. Jaakkola.
    Continuation methods for mixing heterogeneous sources.
    In Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2002.
    [gzipped postscript]

  • H. Steck and T. Jaakkola.
    Unsupervised active learning in large domains.
    In Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2002.
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  • M. J. Wainwright, T. Jaakkola, and A. S. Willsky.
    A new class of upper bounds on the log partition function.
    In Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2002.
    [gzipped postscript]

  • Z. Bar-Joseph, G. Gerber, D. Gifford, and T. Jaakkola.
    A new approach to analyzing gene expression time series data.
    In The Sixth Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, 2002.

  • A. Corduneanu and T. Jaakkola.
    Stable mixing of complete and incomplete information.
    MIT AI Memo AIM-2001-030, 2001.

  • M. Wainwright, T. Jaakkola, and A. Willsky.
    Tree-based reparameterization for approximate estimation on loopy graphs.
    In Advances in Neural Information processing systems 14, 2001.

  • M. J. Wainwright, T. Jaakkola, and A. S. Willsky.
    Tree-based reparameterization framework for approximate estimation in graphs with cycles.
    LIDS Technical Report P-2510, 2001.
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  • M. Szummer and T. Jaakkola.
    Partially labeled classification with markov random walks.
    In Advances in Neural Information processing systems 14, 2001.

  • T. Jaakkola and H. Siegelmann.
    Active information retrieval.
    In Advances in Neural Information processing systems 14, pages 777--784, 2001.
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  • A. Hartemink, D. Gifford, T. Jaakkola, and R. Young.
    Combining location and expression data for principled discovery of genetic regulatory network models.
    In Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, 2002.

  • Z. Bar-Joseph, D. Gifford, and T. Jaakkola.
    Fast optimal leaf ordering for hierarchical clustering.
    In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 2001.

  • A. Hartemink, D. Gifford, T. Jaakkola, and R. Young.
    Maximum likelihood estimation of optimal scaling factors for expression array normalization.
    In Microarrays: Optical Technologies and Informatics, Proceedings of SPIE, volume 4266, 2001.
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  • A. Hartemink, D. Gifford, T. Jaakkola, and R. Young.
    Using graphical models and genomic expression data to statistically validate models of genetic regulatory networks.
    In Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, volume 6, pages 422--433, 2001.

  • T. Jaakkola.
    Tutorial on variational approximation methods.
    In Advanced mean field methods: theory and practice. MIT Press, 2000.
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  • T. Jaakkola and M. Jordan.
    Bayesian parameter estimation via variational methods.
    Statistics and Computing, 10:25--37, 2000.
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  • T. Jaakkola, M. Diekhans, and D. Haussler.
    A discriminative framework for detecting remote protein homologies.
    Journal of Computational Biology, 7(1,2):95--114, 2000.
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  • B. Frey, R. Patrascu, T. Jaakkola, and J. Moran.
    Sequentially fitting inclusive trees for inference in noisy-or networks.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13. MIT Press, 2000.
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  • M. Szummer and T. Jaakkola.
    Kernel expansions with unlabeled examples.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13. MIT Press, 2000.
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  • M. Meila and T. Jaakkola.
    Tractable bayesian learning of tree belief networks.
    In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann, 2000.
    [postscript], [gzipped postscript]

  • T. Jebara and T. Jaakkola.
    Feature selection and dualities in maximum entropy discrimination.
    In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann, 2000.
    [postscript], [gzipped postscript]

  • S. Singh, T. Jaakkola, M. Littman, and C. Szepesvari.
    Convergence results for single-step on-policy reinforcement-learning algorithms.
    Machine Learning, 38(3):287, 2000.
    [postscript], [gzipped postscript]

  • T. Jaakkola, M. Meila, and T. Jebara.
    Maximum entropy discrimination.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12. MIT Press, 1999.
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  • T. Jaakkola, M. Meila, and T. Jebara.
    Maximum entropy discrimination.
    Technical Report AITR-1668, MIT, 1999.
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  • T. Jaakkola, M. Diekhans, and D. Haussler.
    Using the fisher kernel method to detect remote protein homologies.
    In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 1999.
    [postscript], [gzipped postscript]

  • T. Jaakkola and M. Jordan.
    Variational probabilistic inference and the qmr-dt database.
    Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 10:291--322, 1999.
    [postscript], [gzipped postscript], [pdf]

  • M. Jordan, Z. Ghahramani, T. Jaakkola, and L. Saul.
    An introduction to variational methods for graphical models.
    Machine Learning, 37(2):183, 1999.
    [postscript], [gzipped postscript]

  • T. Jaakkola and D. Haussler.
    Probabilistic kernel regression models.
    In Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 1999.
    [postscript], [gzipped postscript]

  • T. Jaakkola and D. Haussler.
    Exploiting generative models in discriminative classifiers.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11, 1998.
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  • C. Bishop, N. Lawrence, T. Jaakkola, and M. Jordan.
    Approximating posterior distributions in belief networks using mixtures.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10, 1997.
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  • T. Jaakkola and M. Jordan.
    A variational approach to bayesian logistic regression models and their extensions.
    In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 1997.
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  • T. Jaakkola.
    Variational methods for inference and estimation in graphical models.
    PhD thesis, MIT, 1997.
    [postscript], [gzipped postscript]

  • T. Jaakkola and M. Jordan.
    Improving the mean field approximation via the use of mixture distributions.
    In Proceedings of the NATO ASI on Learning in Graphical Models. Kluwer, 1997.
    [postscript], [gzipped postscript]

  • L. Saul, T. Jaakkola, and M. Jordan.
    Mean field theory for sigmoid belief networks.
    Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 4:61--76, 1996.
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  • T. Jaakkola and M. Jordan.
    Recursive algorithms for approximating probabilities in graphical models.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9, 1996.
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  • T. Jaakkola and M. Jordan.
    Computing upper and lower bounds on likelihoods in intractable networks.
    In Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, pages 340--348, 1996.
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  • T. Jaakkola, L. Saul, and M. Jordan.
    Fast learning by bounding likelihoods in sigmoid type belief networks.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8, 1995.
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  • S. Singh, T. Jaakkola, and M. Jordan.
    Reinforcement learning with soft state aggregation.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7, 1994.
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  • T. Jaakkola, S. Singh, and M. Jordan.
    Reinforcement learning algorithm for partially observable markov decision problems.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7, 1994.
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  • S. Singh, T. Jaakkola, and M. Jordan.
    Learning without state estimation in partially observable environments.
    In Proceedings of the Eleventh Machine Learning Conference, 1994.
    [postscript], [gzipped postscript]

  • T. Jaakkola, M. Jordan, and S. Singh.
    On the convergence of stochastic iterative dynamic programming algorithms.
    Neural Computation, 6(6):1185--1201, 1994.
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  • T. Jaakkola, M. Jordan, and S. Singh.
    Convergence of stochastic iterative dynamic programming algorithms.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 6, 1993.
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  • A. Friberg, T. Jaakkola, and J. Tuovinen.
    Electromagnetic gaussian beam beyond the paraxial regime.
    IEEE Transactions of Antennas and Propagation, 1992.

  • A. Vasara, M. Taghizadeh, J. Turunen, Westerholmand E. Noponen J., H. Ichikawa, J. Miller, T. Jaakkola, and S. Kuisma.
    Binary surface-relief gratings for array illumination in digital optics.
    Applied Optics, 31(17):3320--3336, 1992.