I obtained my PhD in Computer Science from MIT in 2014. I did my research in the Multimodal Understanding Group at Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) under the guidance of Professor Randall Davis. My research focused on making the next generation intelligent multimodal user interfaces using advanced techniques in Machine Learning, and Machine Vision.
I obtained my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering (Software Engineering Option) from University of British Columbia in Canada with a minor in Commerce. I attended high school at Raffles Junior College in Singapore.
Research interests
- Machine Learning, Computer Vision
- Multimodal Interaction / Large Display Interaction / Human Computer Interaction
- Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems
Curriculum Vitae
- Real-Time Continuous Gesture Recognition for Natural Multimodal Interaction. PhD thesis for Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cambridge, MA. May, 2014. [BibTex] [PDF]
- Real-Time Continuous Gesture Recognition for Natural Human-Computer Interaction. 2014 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) (to appear). Melbourne, Australia. Jul, 2014. [BibTex] [PDF]
- Gesture Spotting and Recognition Using Salience Detection and Concatenated Hidden Markov Models. Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI). ChaLearn Workshop on Multimodal Gesture Recognition. Sydney, Australia. Dec, 2013. [BibTex] [PDF] [Scoreboard]
- Making Touchscreen Keyboards Adaptive to Keys, Hand Postures, and Individuals – A Hierarchical Spatial Backoff Model Approach. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Paris, France. Apr, 2013. [BibTex] [PDF] [Video]
- A Hierarchical Approach to Continuous Gesture Analysis for Natural Multi-modal Interaction. Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. pp 357--360. Santa Monica, CA. Oct, 2012. [BibTex] [PDF] [Poster]
- Toward Natural Interaction in the Real World: Real-time Gesture Recognition. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces. Beijing, China, November 2010. [BibTeX] [PDF]
- Toward an Intelligent Multimodal Interface for Natural Interaction. Master's Thesis for Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cambridge, MA. May, 2010. [BibTeX] [PDF]
- Toward an Intelligent Multimodal Interface for Natural Interaction. ACM Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS 2009). Banff, Canada. Nov, 2009. [BibTex] [PDF] [Poster]
- Posture-Adaptive Selection. Google, submitted. Applicaiton No. 61/702,678.
- The Third EITA Young Investigator Conference. Cambridge, MA, USA. Aug, 2013. [Proceedings]
- Reviewer for 2012 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI).
- Reviewer for 2013 ChaLearn Workshop on Multimodal Gesture Recognition, ICMI 2013.
Courses Taken
- 6.854 Advanced Algorithms (Fall 2009 by Prof. David Karger) [Term paper] [Code]
- 6.824 Distributed Computer Systems Engineering (Spring 2009 by Prof. Frans Kaashoek) [Term project]
- 6.869 Advances in Computer Vision (Audit Spring 2009 by Prof. William Freeman)
- 6.867 Machine Learning (Fall 2008 by Prof. Tommi Jaakkola and Prof. Michael Collins) [Term project]
- 6.866 Machine Vision (Fall 2008 by Prof. Berthold Horn) [Term paper]
- 15.279 Management Communication
- 15.390 New Enterprises
- EECE 478 Computer Graphics (Spring 2008)
- EECE 494 Real-Time Digital System Design (Spring 2008 by Prof. Sathish Gopalakrishnan)
- EECE 411 Design of Distributed Software Applications (Fall 2007 by Prof. Matei Ripeanu)
- EECE 456 Computer Communications (Fall 2007 by Prof. Vincent Wong)
- EECE 476 Computer Architecture (Fall 2007 by Prof. Tor Aamodt)
- CPSC 304 Introduction to Relational Database (Spring 2007 by Prof. Rachel Pottinger)
- EECE 315 Operating and File Systems (Fall 2006 by Dr. L.R. Linares)
- EECE 321 Compilers (Fall 2006)
- CPSC 260 Object-Oriented Program Design (Fall 2005 by Prof. Kellogg Booth)