Selected Journal Publications
- Horn, B.K.P.,
“Determining Lightness from an Image,”
Computer Graphics and Image Processing,
Vol. 3, No. 1, December 1974, pp. 277–299.
(see also chapter 9 in
Robot Vision)
- Horn, B.K.P.,
“Obtaining Shape from Shading Information,”
chapter 4 in The Psychology of Computer Vision,
Winston, P. H. (Ed.), McGraw-Hill, New York,
April 1975, pp. 115-155.
(see also chapter 6 in
Shape from Shading)
- Horn, B.K.P.,
“A Problem in Computer Vision:
Orienting Silicon Integrated Circuit Chips for Lead Bonding,”
Computer Graphics and Image Processing,
Vol. 4, No. 1, September 1975, pp. 294–303.
(see also AIM 323)
- Horn, B.K.P.,
“Circle Generators for Display Devices,”
Computer Graphics and Image Processing,
Vol. 5, No. 1, June 1976, pp. 280–288.
- Horn, B.K.P.,
“Understanding Image Intensities,”
Artificial Intelligence,
Vol. 8, No. 2, April 1977, pp. 201–231.
(see also chapter 10 in
Robot Vision)
- Horn, B.K.P.,
“Rational Arithmetic for Minicomputers,”
Software Practice and Experience,
Vol. 8, No. 2, March/April 1978, pp. 171–176.
- Horn, B.K.P.,
“Density Reconstruction Using Arbitrary Ray Sampling Schemes,”
Proceedings of the IEEE,
Vol. 66, No. 5, May 1978, pp. 551–562.
(see also AIM 440)
- Raibert, M.H. & B.K.P. Horn,
“Manipulator Control using the Configuration Space Method,”
Industrial Robot,
Vol. 4, No. 2, June 1978, pp. 69–73.
(see also AIM 458)
- Horn, B.K.P. & B.L. Bachman,
“Using Synthetic Images to Register Real Images with Surface Models,”
Communications of the A.C.M.,
Vol. 21, No. 11, November 1978, pp. 914–924.
Artificial Intelligence: An MIT Perspective Vol. 2,
Winston, P.H. & R.H. Brown (Eds.), pp. 129-160, MIT Press, 1979.)
- Horn, B.K.P. & R.J. Woodham,
“Destriping LANDSAT MSS Images using Histogram Modification,”
Computer Graphics and Image Processing,
Vol. 10, No. 1, May 1979, pp. 69–83.
(see also AIM 467)
- Horn, B.K.P. & R.W. Sjoberg,
“Calculating the Reflectance Map,”
Applied Optics,
Vol. 18, No. 11, June 1979, pp. 1770–1779.
(see also chapter 8 in
Shape from Shading)
- Horn, B.K.P.
“Kinematics, Statics, and Dynamics of Two-Dimensional Manipulators,”
Artificial Intelligence: An MIT Perspective
Vol. 2, Winston, P.H. & R.H. Brown (Eds.), pp. 273-310, MIT Press, 1979.
(see as well Horn, B.K.P. & Inoue, H.
“Kinematics of the MIT-AI-VICARM Manipulator,”
, 1974)
- Horn, B.K.P.,
“Fan-Beam Reconstruction Methods,”
Proceedings of the IEEE,
Vol. 67, No. 12, December 1979, pp. 1616–1623.
(see also AIM 448)
- Horn, B.K.P.,
“Hill-Shading and the Reflectance Map,”
Proceedings of the IEEE,
Vol. 69, No. 1, January 1981, pp. 14–47.
(also in
Geo-Processing, Vol. 2, 1982, pp. 65–146.)
- Ikeuchi, K. & B.K.P. Horn,
“Numerical Shape from Shading and Occluding Boundaries,”
Artificial Intelligence,
Vol. 17, No. 1–3, August 1981, pp. 141–184.
(see also chapter 9 in
Shape from Shading)
- Horn, B.K.P. & B.G. Schunck,
“Determining Optical Flow,”
Artificial Intelligence,
Vol. 17, No. 1–3, August 1981, pp. 185–203.
(see also chapter 12 in
Robot Vision
“Horn-Schunck method”)
- Bruss, A.R. & B.K.P. Horn,
“Passive Navigation,”
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing,
Vol. 21, No. 1, January 1983, pp. 3–20.
(see also chapter 17 in
Robot Vision)
- Brady, J.M. & B.K.P. Horn,
“Rotationally Symmetric Operators for Surface Interpolation,”
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing,
Vol. 22, No. 1, April 1983, pp. 70–94.
(see also AIM 654)
- Sjoberg, R.J. & B.K.P. Horn,
“Atmospheric Effects in Satellite Imaging of Mountainous Terrain,”
Applied Optics,
Vol. 22, No. 11, June 1983, pp. 1702–1716.
(see also AIM 688)
- Horn, B.K.P.,
“The Curve of Least Energy,”
A.C.M. Transactions on Mathematical Software,
Vol. 9, No. 4, December 1983, pp. 441–460.
(see also AIM 612)
- Horn, B.K.P.,
“Exact Reproduction of Colored Images,”
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing,
Vol. 26, No. 2, May 1984, pp. 135–167.
- Horn, B.K.P. & K. Ikeuchi,
“The Mechanical Manipulation of Randomly Oriented Parts,”
(Picking Parts out of a Bin of Parts),
Scientific American,
Vol. 251, No. 2, August 1984, pp. 100–111.
(See also chapter 18 in
Robot Vision)
Horn, B.K.P.,
“Extended Gaussian Images,”
Proceedings of the IEEE,
Vol. 72, No. 12, December 1984, pp. 1671–1686.
(see also chapter 16 in
Robot Vision)
т. 72, М. 12,
декабрь 1984
- Ikeuchi, K., H.K. Nishihara, B.K.P. Horn, P. Sobalvarro & S. Nagata,
“Determining Grasp Points using Photometric Stereo and the PRISM
binocular stereo system,”
Journal of Robotics Research,
Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 1986, pp. 46–65.
(see also AIM 772)
- Horn, B.K.P. & M.J. Brooks,
“The Variational Approach to Shape from Shading,”
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing,
Vol. 33, No. 2, February 1986, pp. 174–208.
(see also chapter 7 in
Shape from Shading)
- Horn, B.K.P. & E.J. Weldon Jr.,
“Filtering Closed Curves,”
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Vol. PAMI-8, No. 5, September 1986, pp .665–668.
- Horn, B.K.P. & S. Negahdaripour,
“Direct Passive Navigation,”
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Vol. PAMI-9, No. 1, January 1987, pp. 168–176.
(see also AIM 821)
- Horn, B.K.P.,
“Closed-Form Solution of Absolute Orientation using Unit Quaternions,”
Journal of the Optical Society A,
Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 629–642, April 1987.
- Horn, B.K.P.,
“Motion Fields Are Hardly Ever Ambiguous,”
International Journal of Computer Vision,
Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 259–274, October 1987.
- Horn, B.K.P. & E.J. Weldon, Jr.,
“Direct Methods for Recovering Motion,”
International Journal of Computer Vision,
Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 51–76, June 1988.
Artificial Intelligence at MIT: Expanding Frontiers,
edited by Patrick H. Winston and Sarah A. Shellard,
MIT Press, Vol. 2, pp. 437–471, 1990.)
- Horn, B.K.P., H. M. Hilden & S. Negahdaripour,
“Closed Form Solution of Absolute Orientation using Orthonormal Matrices,”
Journal of the Optical Society A
Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 1127–1135, July 1988.
- Negahdaripour, S. & B.K.P. Horn,
“A Direct Method for Locating the Focus of Expansion,”
Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing,
Vol. 46, No. 3, June 1989, pp. 303–326.
(see also AIM 939)
- Horn, B.K.P.
“Relative Orientation,”
International Journal of Computer Vision
Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 59–78, January 1990.
(see as well
“Relative Orientation Revisited”)
- Horn, B.K.P.,
“Parallel Analog Networks for Machine Vision,”
Artificial Intelligence at MIT: Expanding Frontiers,
edited by Patrick H. Winston and Sarah A. Shellard,
MIT Press, Vol. 2, pp. 531–573, 1990.
Research Directions in Computer Science: An MIT Perspective,
edited by A. Meyer, J.V. Guttag, R.L. Rivest, & P. Szolovits.
MIT Press, pp. 277-315, 1991.
and in
Vision Chips: Implementing Vision Algorithms with Analog VSLI Circuits
C. Koch & H. Li (Eds.)
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995.
- Horn, B.K.P.
“Height and Gradient from Shading,”
International Journal of Computer Vision,
Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 37–75, August 1990.
(see also
“Height and Gradient from Shading,” (no figures))
- Horn, B.K.P. & J.G. Harris,
“Rigid Body Motion from Range Image Sequences,”
Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing,
Vol. 53, No. 1, January 1991.
- Horn, B.K.P.
“Relative Orientation Revisited,”
Journal of the Optical Society of America, A,
October 1991, Vol. 8, pp. 1630–1638.
(see also
“Relative Orientation Revisited” (no figures))
- Wyatt, J. L., C. Keast, M. Seidel, D. Standley, B. Horn, T. Knight,
C. Sodini, H.-S. Lee, & T. Poggio,
“Analog VLSI Systems for Image Acquisition and Fast Early Vision Processing,”
International Journal of Computer Vision,
November 1992, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 217–230.
(see as well AIM 1071)
- Horn, B.K.P., R.S. Szeliski, & A.L. Yuille,
“Impossible Shaded Images,”
IEEE Transactions of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
February 1993, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 166–170.
(see also
“Impossible Shaded Images” (no figures))
- McQuirk, I.S., B.K.P. Horn, H.-S. Lee, & J.L. Wyatt
“Estimating the Focus of Expansion in Analog VLSI,”
International Journal of Computer Visions
Vol. 28, No. 3, 1998, pp. 261–277.
Fang, Y., I. Masaki, B.K.P. Horn,
“Depth-Based Target Segmentation for Intelligent Vehicles;
Fusion of Radar and Binocular Stereo”,
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,
Vol. 3, No. 3,
Sep. 2002,
pp. 196-202.
Fang, Y., K. Yamada, Y. Ninomiya, B.K.P. Horn, & I. Masaki
“A Shape-Independent Method for Pedestrian Detection with Far-Infrared Images,”
IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology,
Vol. 53, No. 5, Sep. 2004
Ziock, K.P., L. Fabris, B.K.P. Horn, R.C. Lanza, & N.W. Madden
“Large Area Imaging Detector for Long-Range, Passive Detection of Fissile Material,”
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
Vol. 51, No. 5, Oct. 2004, pp. 2238-2244.
Ryu, J., S.S. Hong, B.K.P. Horn, D.M. Freeman & M.S. Mermelstein,
“Multi-Beam Interferometric Illumination as the Primary
Source of Resolution in Optical Microscopy,”
Applied Physics Letters,
Vol. 88, No. 17, April 2006.
(see as well
“Application of Structured Illumination in Nano-Scale Vision,”
IEEE Comp. Soc. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR) June 2003)
Ziock, K.P., L. Fabris, B.K.P. Horn, R.C. Lanza, & N.W. Madden
“Source-Search Sensitivity of a Large-Area, Coded-Aperture, Gamma-Ray Imager”
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
Vol. 53, No. 3, June 2006, pp. 1614-1621.
Hong, S.S., B.K.P. Horn, D.M. Freeman & M.S. Mermelstein,
“Lensless Focusing with Subwavelength Resolution with Direct
Synthesis of Angular Spectrum,”
Applied Physics Letters,
Vol. 88, No. 26, June 2006.
Horn, B.K.P., Y. Fang and I. Masaki,
“Time to Contact Relative to a Planar Surface,”
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,
June 2007.
Schultz, L.J., M.S. Wallace, M.C. Galassi, A.S. Hoover, M.
Mocko, D.M. Palmer, S.R. Tornga, R.M. Kippen, M.V. Hynes, M.J.
Toolin, B. Harris, J.E. McElroy, D. Wakeford, R.C. Lanza, B.K.P. Horn and D.K. Wehe,
“Hybrid Coded Aperture and Compton Imaging using an Active Mask,”
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A.
Vol. 608, No. 2, pp. 267-274, September 2009.
Horn, B.K.P., R.C. Lanza, J.T. Bell, G.E. Kohse,
“Dynamic Reconstruction,”
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Engineering,
Vol. 57, No. 1, February 2010.
Horn, B.K.P.
“Interesting Eigenvectors of the Fourier Transform,”
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa,
Vol. 65, No. 2, pp. 100-106,
June 2010.
Jagannathan, S., B.K.P. Horn, P. Ratilal, and N. Makris,
“Force Estimation and Prediction from Time-Varying Density Images,”
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 1132-1146, June 2011.
Overeem, A, J. C. R. Robinson, H. Leijnse, G. J. Steeneveld, B.K.P. Horn, R. Uijlenhoet,
“Crowdsourcing urban air temperatures from smartphone battery temperatures,”
Geophysical Research Letters,
Vol. 40, No. 15, pp. 4081--4085, August 2013.
Liang Wang, B.K.P. Horn, and Gilbert Strang,
“Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Analysis of Stability for a Line of Traffic”,
Studies in Applied Mathematics,
September 2016.
Horn, B.K.P. and Liang Wang,
“Wave Equation of Suppressed Traffic Flow Instabilities”,
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS),
December 2017.
Cui, H., Zhang, K., Fang, Y., Sobolevsky, S., Ratti, C., and B.K.P. Horn
“A Clustering Validity Index Based on Pairing Frequency,”
IEEE Access, Vol. 5, pp. 24884--24894, 2017.
Liang Wang and B.K.P. Horn
“Machine Vision to Alert Roadside Personnel of Night Traffic Threats,”
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS),
Vol. 19, No. 10, October 2018.
Liang Wang and B.K.P. Horn
“Multi-Node Bilateral Control Model”,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Vol. 64, No. 10, October 2019.
Horn, B.K.P.,
“Doubling the Accuracy of Indoor Positioning: Frequency Diversity”,
Special Issue of Sensors:
“Sensors and Sensing Technologies for Indoor Positioning and
Indoor Navigation”
Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 1489,
2020 March 9.
Liang Wang and B.K.P. Horn
“On the Stability Analysis of Mixed Traffic with Vehicles under Car-Following and Bilateral Control”,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Vol. 65, No. 7, pp. 3076-3083,
July 2020.
Liang Wang and B.K.P. Horn
“On the Chain-Stability of Bilateral Control Model”,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Vol. 65, No. 8, pp. 3397-3408,
August 2020.
Horn, B.K.P.,
“Observation Model for Indoor Positioning”,
Special Issue of Sensors:
“Positioning and Navigation”
Vol. 20, No. 14.
2020 July 20.
Wang, Liang and B.K.P. Horn,
“Time-to-Contact control: improving safety and reliability of autonomous vehicles”,
International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation,
Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 68-78,
Horn, B.K.P.,
“Indoor Localization using Uncooperative Wi-Fi Access Points”
Special issue of
“Indoor Wi-Fi Positioning: Techniques and Systems”
Vol. 22, pp. 3091,
2022 April 18.
Horn, B.K.P.,
“Round-trip time ranging to Wi-Fi access points beats GNSS localization”
Special issue of
Applied Sciences
“Smartphone-Based Navigation System for Outdoor Positioning”,
Vol. 14, No. 17,
2024 September 3.
NOTE: A notation of the form “(see also AIM-XXX)” after a
title indicates a link to an earlier, preliminary version of the
paper in AI Memo form.
For a list of such internal reports see
A.I. Memos.
When referring to a paper please use the published version.
Berthold K.P. Horn,