Taeg Sang Cho Graduate Student |
Computer Graphics and Computer Vision
Machine Learning and its application to Computer Vision
Stochastic Signal Processing Techniques
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ph. D. Candidate, Dept of EECS (Feb. 2011 Expected)
Research Advisor: William T. Freeman
GPA: 5.0/5.0
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Master of Science , Dept of EECS (June. 2007)
Thesis Title: An Energy Efficient Interface to Carbon Nanotube Sensor Arrays
Research Advisor: Anantha Chandrakasan
GPA: 5.0/5.0
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science, August 2005
GPA: 4.14/4.3 (Major: 4.25/4.3)
Top in the School of Engineering
2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Best Poster Paper Award
2008 ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC)Travel Grant Winner
2008 DAC/ISSCC Student Design Contest Award Winner
2007 AMD/CICC Student Scholarship Award
Samsung Scholarship Foundation - Graduate Research Funding (2005. Sept - 2010. Aug.)
Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies - Undergraduate Scholarship
General Electric (GE) Foundation - Undergraduate Scholarship
2004 Hyundai Motors Automobile Design Contest : Bronze Medal
2004 KAIST Computing Festival- Silver Medal
Computer Vision/ Computer Graphics related papers
Integrated Circuit Design related papers
"The patch transform and its applications to image editing"
at Microsoft Research, Interactive Visual Media Group, June 20 2008
"A low power carbon nanotube chemical sensor system "
at IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), February. 2008
"A low power carbon nanotube chemical sensor system "
at MARCO Interconnect Focus Center 2007 Annual Review , Oct. 3. 2007
"A low power carbon nanotube chemical sensor system"
at National Semiconductor Inc. Santa Clara, May. 3. 2007
"Design and Characterization of Hybrid CNT-CMOS Systems"
at MARC '07, Jan, 2007
"A low power dynamic voltage scaling system "
at Young Generation Technical and Leadership Conference '07, Jan. 5-Jan.7 2007
2008. Sept. - 2009. May
2008. Jan - 2008. May
Participated in
developing motion invariant photography and its extensions
2007. May - 2007. Dec
Developed the fundamentals of the patch transform
2007. Jan - 2007. Apr
Designed an automated leakage power control loop for SRAM
2005. Sept - 2006. Dec.
Designed an architecture of a Chemical Sensor System
Implemented an interface chip for Carbon Nanotube Chemical Sensor Arrays in National 0.18um CMOS
Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA
2009. May - 2009. Aug
Developed new image deconvolution techniques.
Adobe Systems Incorporation, Auburndale MA
2008. May - 2008. Aug
Extended the original patch transform framework to enhance image quality and reduce run-time.
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea
2003. Dec - 2004. Oct
Used a variant of Simulated Annealing (SA) and Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) to solve the Largest Empty
Sphere problem in N-dimensional structures, and the performance was compared with that of Voronoi
2004. Jun - 2004. Sept.
Applied real-time Computer Vision techniques to Automated Parking Systems. I was in charge of developing
a software system, including the parking space detection algorithms
Sung Kyun Kwan University, Suwon, South Korea
2003. Dec - 2004. Nov
A joint project with Sung Kyun Kwan University. I was in charge of formulating the mathematical background
for 3-D image reconstruction based on CT data points, and simulated the algorithms in MATLAB
CSAIL Student Workshop (CSW) 2007 Poster / Demo Chair, Program Committee
MIT Graduate Student Council - EECS GSC Representative 2006. Sept -2007 Oct.
MIT EECS Graduate Student Association - Executive Committee 2006. Sept - 2007 Oct.
2005 ICISTS-KAIST Ubiquitous Computing Workshop Leader
KAIST Herald - Journalist 2002. Mar - 2005. Jul
Last Updated: Feb. 15. 2010