(pdf) Recurrence for Pandimensional Space-Filling Functions (arXiv) |
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A space-filling curve
is a parameterized,
function which maps a unit line segment to a
continuous curve in the unit square, cube, hypercube, etc, which gets
arbitrarily close to a given point in the unit cube as the parameter
Space-filling curves serve as a counterexample to less-than-rigorous
notions of dimension.
In addition to their mathematical importance, space-filling curves
have applications to
dimension reduction,
mathematical programming [Butz 1968],
sparse multi-dimensional database indexing [Lawder 2000],
electronics [Zhu 2003], and
biology [Lieberman 2009].
The organizing power of space-filling curves is even employed by the
xkcd webcomic "Map of the Internet".
Prof. Yaroslav D. Sergeyev
has written extensively about their application to
Strongin R.G., Sergeyev Ya.D. (2000),
Global optimization with non-convex constraints: Sequential and
parallel algorithms,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 728 pp.
Yaroslav D. Sergeyev, Roman G. Strongin, Daniela Lera,
Introduction to global optimization exploiting space-filling curves,
Springer, 2013.
Sergeyev Ya.D. (1995),
An information global optimization algorithm with local tuning,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 5(4), 858-870.
LeraD., Sergeyev Ya.D. (2010),
Lipschitz and Holder global optimization using space-filling curves,
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 60(1-2), 115--129.
LeraD., Sergeyev Ya.D. (2010),
An information global minimization algorithm using the local improvement technique,
Journal of Global Optimization, 48(1), 99-112.
There is a surfeit of 2-dimensional space-filling curves, but
generalizing them to higher rank is not necessarily practical or even
possible. [Bongki 2001] attributes
generalization of space-filling curves to any rank to
[Butz 1969]; who gives algorithms for both
the Hilbert and Peano space-filling curves.
The properties we desire for space-filling transforms are that they
- space-filling
- a continuous function whose range comes arbitrarily close to any
given point in the n-dimensional unit hypercube.
- multidimensional
- exist for all ranks greater than one.
- self-similar
- can be defined as a nonterminating recurrence.
- Lebesgue measure-preserving.
- equal length intervals map to equal volumes.
- isotropic
- the lengths of axis-aligned projections of the space-filling
curve should be equal.
My latest paper:
Recurrence for Pandimensional Space-Filling Functions
describes an algorithmic technique which produces both Peano and
Hilbert curves and their generalizations to higher dimensions.
Three other pages are earlier articles about space-filling curves:
Hilbert Space-Filling Curves gives a casual
description of an algorithm and its extension.
Recursive Formulation of Multidimensional
Space-Filling Curves delves into the details of the
Hilbert curve recurrence and algorithm.
Peano Space-Filling Curves gives the
description of an algorithm and its extension.
Hilbert Space-Filling Playground Equipment
- [Butz 1968]
A. R. Butz.
Space filling curves and mathematical programming.
Information and Control, 12:314-330, 1968.
- [Butz 1969]
A. R. Butz,
Convergence with Hilbert's space filling curve,
J. Comput. Sys. Sci., vol. 3, May 1969, pp 128-146.
- [Butz 1971]
A. R. Butz,
Alternative Algorithm for Hilbert's Space-Filling Curve,
IEEE Trans. Comp., April, 1971, pp 424-426.
M. Beeler, R.W. Gosper, R.Schroeppel,
ITEM 115 (Gosper),
MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1972
- [Meyerson 1998]
Mark D. Meyerson,
Visualizing Space-Filling Curves with Fractals
(As Limits of Curves of Continuously Varying Dimension),
Communications in Visual Mathematics, vol 1, no 1, August 1998.
- [Alber 1998]
Jochen Alber and Rolf Niedermeier,
On Multi-dimensional Hilbert Indexings,
COCOON '98: Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 1998.
- [Moore 1999]
D. Moore,
Fast Hilbert Curve Generation, Sorting, and Range Queries,
- [JL1_00]
Calculation of Mappings Between One and n-dimensional Values Using the Hilbert Space-filling Curve,Research Report JL1/00,
School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Birkbeck College, University of London, 2000
- [Lawder 2000]
J.K.Lawder, P.J.H.King,
Using Space-filling Curves for Multi-Dimensional Indexing,
BNCOD 17, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1832,
pp 20-35, Springer 2000.
- [Bongki 2001]
Bongki Moon, H.V. Jagadish, Christos Faloutsos, and Joel Salz,
Analysis of the Clustering Properties of Hilbert Space-filling Curve,
IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE-TKDE),
vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 124-141, Jan./Feb. 2001.
- [Zhu 2003]
Jinhui Zhu, Ahmad Hoorfar, and Nader Engheta,
Bandwidth, Cross-Polarization, and Feed-Point Characteristics of Matched Hilbert Antennas,
- [Jin 2005]
Guohua Jin and John Mellor-Crummey,
SFCGen: A Framework For Efficient Generation Of Multi-Dimensional Space-Filling Curves By Recursion,
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
Volume 31(1):pp. 120 - 148. 2005.
- [Jin 2005b]
Guohua Jin and John Mellor-Crummey,
Using Space-filling Curves for Computation Reordering,
Proceedings of the Los Alamos Computer Science Institute Sixth Annual
Symposium. published on CD. 2005
- [Lieberman 2009]
Lieberman-Aiden & Van Berkum et al.,
Comprehensive Mapping of Long-Range Interactions Reveals Folding
Principles of the Human Genome,
Science 326, pp. 289 - 293 (2009).
Copyright © 2003, 2005, 2009, 2014 Aubrey Jaffer
I am a guest and not a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
My actions and comments do not reflect in any way on MIT.
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