I have graduated from MIT EECS and my homepage has been moved. This page is no longer maintained
I am a graduate student at MIT and a member of NLP group at CSAIL.
My research advisor is Prof. Regina Barzilay.
I can be contacted at (first name)(last name)@csail.mit.edu.
I have graduated from MIT EECS and my homepage has been moved.
Interpretable Neural Models for Natural Language Processing Phd Thesis |
Tao Lei. MIT, Feburary 2017 |
[ Paper ] [ Slides ] |
Style Transfer from Non-Parallel Text by Cross-Alignment NIPS 2017 |
Tianxiao Shen, Tao Lei, Regina Barzilay and Tommi Jaakkola |
[ Paper ] [ Slides ] [ Code ] |
Training RNNs as Fast as CNNs Technical report |
Tao Lei, Yu Zhang and Yoav Artzi |
[ Paper ] [ Code ] |
Deriving Neural Architectures from Sequence and Graph Kernels ICML 2017 |
Tao Lei*, Wengong Jin*, Regina Barzilay and Tommi Jaakkola (*: Equal contribution) |
[ Paper ] [ Code ] |
Rationalizing Neural Predictions EMNLP 2016 |
Tao Lei, Regina Barzilay and Tommi Jaakkola |
[ Paper ] [ Slides ] [ Code ] |
Learning to Refine Text Based Recommendations EMNLP 2016 |
Youyang Gu, Tao Lei, Regina Barzilay and Tommi Jaakkola |
[ Paper ] [ Code ] |
Semi-supervised Question Retrieval with Gated Convolutions NAACL 2016 |
Tao Lei, Hrishikesh Joshi, Regina Barzilay, Tommi Jaakkola, Katerina Tymoshenko, Alessandro Moschitti and Lluís Màrquez |
[ Paper ] [ Slides (keynote) ] [ Slides (pdf) ] [ Code ] |
Making Dependency Labeling Simple, Fast and Accurate NAACL 2016 |
Tianxiao Shen, Tao Lei and Regina Barzilay |
[ Paper ] [ Code ] |
Molding CNNs for Text: Non-linear, Non-consecutive Convolutions EMNLP 2015 |
Tao Lei, Regina Barzilay and Tommi Jaakkola. |
[ Paper ] [ Poster ] [ Code ] |
High-Order Low-Rank Tensors for Semantic Role Labeling NAACL 2015 |
Tao Lei, Yuan Zhang, Lluís Màrquez, Alessandro Moschitti and Regina Barzilay. |
[ Paper ] [ Slides ] [ Code ] |
Exploring Compositional Architectures and Word Vector Representations for Prepositional Phrase Attachment TACL 2014 |
Yonatan Belinkov, Tao Lei, Regina Barzilay and Amir Globerson. |
[ Paper ] [ Data ] |
Greed is Good if Randomized: New Inference for Dependency Parsing EMNLP 2014 |
Yuan Zhang*, Tao Lei*, Regina Barzilay and Tommi Jaakkola. (*: Equal contribution) |
[ Paper ] [ Proof ] [ Slides ] [ Code ] |
Low-Rank Tensors for Scoring Dependency Structures ACL 2014 [Best student paper] |
Tao Lei, Yu Xin, Yuan Zhang, Regina Barzilay and Tommi Jaakkola. |
[ Paper ] [ Slides ] [ Code ] |
Steps to Excellence: Simple Inference with Refined Scoring of Dependency Trees ACL 2014 |
Yuan Zhang, Tao Lei, Regina Barzilay, Tommi Jaakkola and Amir Globerson |
[ Paper ] [ Slides ] [ Code ] |
From Natural Language Specifications to Program Input Parsers ACL 2013 |
Tao Lei, Fan Long, Regina Barzilay and Martin Rinard. |
[ Paper ] [ Slides ] [ Code & Data ] |
Learning High-Level Planning from Text ACL 2012 |
S.R.K. Branavan, Nate Kushman, Tao Lei and Regina Barzilay. |
[ Paper ] [ Code & Data ] |
A Pattern Tree-based Approach to Learning URL Normalization Rules WWW 2010 |
Tao Lei, Rui Cai, Jiang-Ming Yang, Yan Ke, Xiaodong Fan and Lei Zhang. |
[ Paper ] |