Confessions of the Rich and Famous
 | - Karl Marx
The workers have nothing to lose but their small change. They have a lottery to win.
 | - Charles Darwin
A theory of Supernatural Selection.
The trouble the alien beings went to to get rid of those dissident dodos would amaze you.
 | - George Washington
I don't know about this democracy business.
An anarcho-syndicalist commune was more what I had in mind.
 | - Barney
No-one wants to employ dinosaurs these days. Sob. They say we're obsolescent.
 | - Alien
Hello I'm Alien. You may remember me from the series of movies in which I sprang out of human's stomachs and devoured them.
 | - Winston Churchill
During the War, I told the British public that I had nothing to offer them but "blood, toil, tears and sweat." But it was a lie. A sham.
In fact I had a box of chocolates hidden at the back of my sock drawer that I could have offered around.