Hello. George Washington here. I was the first president of the United States of America. While in office, I had some ideas for changes to the US Constitution that I thought would be very worthwhile. But my public relations people begged me to keep them quiet and just go along with the crowd. And I did. But, of late, my conscience has started itching, and I would like to confess my true political beliefs to the people of the nation I once guided.
This whole "federation" of "states" idea always seemed a bit dubious to me. I would have much preferred an anarcho-syndicalist commune of some sort. Preferably with mandatory nudity, but perhaps that should be optional. I have an open mind about that. But certainly I think we should focus on eliminating personal property, and handing over all wealth to the state to be distributed in an equitable manner. I think it would also be nice to have a monarchy or maybe two. Yes two would be good. We could have a king and a separate, rival emperor. Or better still, a queen and an empress, particularly if the nudity issue goes the way I would prefer.
(more confessions)