The nature of reality
In the beginning, there was Something Else. But then that mess got sorted out - apparently it was all just a simple misunderstanding, and everyone had a good laugh about it in the end because it's funny how these things turn out really - and our universe got underway. Now I don't know if you've ever been a universe, but it takes concentration. Turn your back for one minute, and there's no limit to the mischief your creations get up to what with running around the place destroying things and before you know it they've gone and blown themselves up in a thermonuclear holocaust. It is like raising children in ways, except the stains don't wash off as easily and you can't really pat them on the back unless the wind is blowing in the right direction. It is a good idea to keep things nice and simple. You'd think this would be obvious, but somehow it is often just pushed beneath the rug and forgotten. Take gods, for instance. Nothing but trouble right from the start, but it is a rare universe that can resist inventing a whole gaggle of them. Before you know it they're coming out of your ears, begatting, growing beards, throwing lightning around the place, feuding and turning each other into oysters. Pretty soon you lose track of which god sprang from the nail clippings of which other god's aspect and then its only a matter of time until one of them sneaks an armageddon up on you and you're right back where you started. Now not that I have anything against armageddon. He's a nice sort of a chap and he won't see you wanting but there are limits to these things and my back is doing me in as it is.
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