The coffee shop
Sure isn't it me that's in it. Seamus. Sure won't you never guess what's happened! One of those young Gilaheady girls has gone and opened some sort of a quare coffee shop in the town and sure aren't the biddies are all up in arms about it. Sure tis pure e
ncouraging idleness it is, coffee shop I ask you! Between me and you that young Gilaheady girl has some quare ideas in her head. Sure now you'll have all the women down there now drinking their coffee and eatin' buns and shamelessly covortin' on until the
early hours of the morning. It just isn't right. Now I am a fair minded man but you know these coffee shops just aren't natural. Pubs are good enough for them that's the problem. These young girls get it into there heads when they pass 50 that maybe they
'd like to sit around and talk and be able to hear one another. I mean it just isn't natural. They should be down the pub sitting there coughin' and splutterin' in the smoke and roaring and shouting at one another trying to get a gist of the the other one
is saying. Now that's a proper conversation. Sure I wouldn't hear half the things I hear if I wasn't down the pub 'till the early hours of the morning with all the roaring and shouting goign on. Now what's wrong with good old porter I ask you. Sure why w
ould you want to be down the coffee shop drinking coffee for. Isn't it true for confused young Jim from Balyhaunasy when he said that next thing we'll know them young lasses will be have grass cakes and daisy buns and they'll be flying about the place un
til the early hours of the morning like mad lads and there not be one of us that'll get a decent nights sleep. Sure 'tis what comes of opening coffee shops.
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