Mrs. Waldermier's labrador
Sure isn't it meself that's in it. Seamus. Do you know what I'm going to tell you now! Sure isn't the whole parish only in uproar over the antics of Paddy Loughlann of Loughlann's pub. Didn't he go and put a whole gaggle of quare foreign stations on the pub telly without so much as a by your leave from his paying customers! Now Paddy's a grand chap, I wouldn't say a word against him, and he does a mighty job cutting the parish priest's lawn of a Tuesday, even though he's a terror for skipping the bits around the bushes if I'm not there to keep an eye on him. One of the finest is our Paddy, but he does take these quare notions sometimes. Like when he wanted the parish council to buy one of those motorised lawn mower contraptions for the grass! If I hadn't been there to put a stop to it, sure there wouldn't have been any peace in the village of a Tuesday ever again, with the noise and smoke and children running about getting excited. And the goats around back would never have stood for it. It's a good thing for Ballydehubareenalough that I was there, I tell ye! But now there's this telly business. Sure it has me heart broken. I went down the pub of a Sunday to have some intelligent conversation, and sure all they were yapping about is this fellah by the name of Clinton. I could't make head nor tail of what they were raving about. I thought initially they were discussing Mrs. Waldermier's labrador, Clinty, and then it made some sense. But then Matt told me this Clinton chap was some kind of film star on one of the quare foreign stations, one from America he said. Sure it didn't make any sense to me. What was the point of talking about some lad off foreign we'd never meet? Not that I've anything against Americans. They'd be grand if they'd only learn to speak English. But sure what interest could their antics be to the likes of us? But they all just went on talkin about that Clinton lad, who I still think sounds right like Clint in the way they say he does be carrying on. Anyway sure the whole village is gone to wrack and ruin now. Paddy went and bought himself a lawnmower behind my back after all, but when I cornered him about it afterwards in the pub he said he wasn't going to answer my questions and was just going to keep on with his work running the bar like the public were paying him to do. I blame America. Tis a disgrace!
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