The foreigner
Well sure isn't it myself. Seamus. Well you'll never guess but sure isn't it terribly shockin' all the same. Sure hasn't Tom from down the road gone and decided to get married to a foreigner, Mary Mulcahy from Ballynahaunasy. And every man and jackass
here knows that Ballynahaunasy is well over 20 km away and well this sort of carry on isn't what God intended. I mean she'll never fit in here. What'll all the neighbours say. I feel sorry for the poor lass. I am not trying to discriminate against the girl
but she doesn't belong here and should just stay at over there in Ballynahaunasy with all those other foreigners over there. Sure if we travel 20 km away to find a young lass to marry what's going to stop us going 30 km or even 40 km! It'll all end
in tears and if God had intended us to go that far afield to find a young lass to marry then he wouldn't have given us the local pub to sit around in would he now. It's just shockin' altogether. Sure it would bring tears to a dead donkeys eyes. And hasn't she got a quare old brogue of an accent on her so that you wouldn't understand a word out of her mouth. I feel sorry for the kids- sure they'll never be able to understand their own mother, not that Tom from down the road was much of a great shaker in that
department either from what I've heard mind you. And sure won't her relatives be wanting to visit her and won't we be invaded from those foreigners over there in Ballyhaunasy all of them with a queer brogue on them so we won't be able to understand a word that's
been spoken and we'll all go mad and forget how to speak good proper plain English so that you'd be able to understand what's been spoken down the pub on a Friday evening. Ah sure what's the world coming to at all.
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