Workshop on Streaming Systems: From Web and Enterprise to Multicore
in conjunction with the 41st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO).

November 8, 2008
Jointly organized by IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Preliminary Program

The first and last talks in each session are 30 minutes long (including 5 minutes for questions and discussion, per talk). Each of the middle three talks in each session is 10 minutes long (that includes time for questions).

8:30-10:00 Session 1: Programming Models, Languages and Applications
  • Streaming in Web and Enterprise vs. Multicore: A look at IBM's System S vs. MIT's StreamIt
    Rodric Rabbah (IBM Research), Saman Amarasinghe (MIT)

  • How to Make Stream Processing More Mainstream [paper, talk]
    Shuvra Bhattacharyya (UMD), Gordon Brebner (Xilinx Research), Johan Eker (Ericsson Research), Jörn Janneck (Xilinx Research), Marco Mattavelli (EPFL), Mickael Raulet (IETR/INSA)

  • Stream Extensions for Object Oriented Languages [paper, talk]
    Frank Otto, Victor Pankratius, Walter Tichy (University of Karlsruhe)

  • Comparing Synthesizable HDL Design and Stream Programming [paper, talk]
    Jesse Beu, Thomas Conte (GaTech)

  • Liquid Metal: Object-Oriented Stream Programming Across the Hardware/Software Boundary
    Rodric Rabbah (IBM Research)

10:30-12:00 Session 2: Compilers, Runtime and Architecture
  • Adaptive Streaming for Dealing with Dynamic Heterogeneity [talk]
    Scott Mahlke (UMich)

  • Methodologies and Tools for Development of Signal Processing Software [paper, talk]
    Jerker Bengtsson, Bertil Svensson (Halmstad University)

  • Dataflow Deadlock Avoidance for Streaming Applications Mapped on Network-on-Chips [paper, talk]
    Vittorio Zaccaria (Politecnico di Milano)

  • The Case for Malleable Architectures [paper, talk]
    Christopher Batten (MIT), Hidetaka Aoki (Hitachi), Krste Asanovic (UC Berkeley)

  • R-Stream: An tool that generates code to a streaming execution model and streaming architectures, from C [talk]
    Richard Lethin (Reservoir Labs)