(primary)/(co-primary) - I spent substantial amount of time thinking about the problem, designing the system and building the system
(contributor) - I am not the lead but I still spent substantial amount of time doing the above

Project Time Role Papers Talks Demos/Posters Patents Impact
Mobile app developer tools
VanarSena 2013   (primary) - MobiSys 2014 paper - MobiSys 2014 talk
- Microsoft TCN talk; talk video (internal)
- MIT Wireless Retreat talk
- Microsoft Product Group talks
(different versions of the TCN talk)
- MIT Wireless Retreat demo
- TechFest 2014 demo
- Transfer to WP groups
Timecard/EndInsight 2013 (primary) - SOSP 2013 paper - SOSP 2013 talk
- Dropbox Drew Houston talk
- MSR RWS talk
- MSR EndInsight talk
- SOSP 2013 poster
- EndInsight poster
AppInsight 2012 (primary) - OSDI 2012 paper - MIT talk
- UT Austin talk
- MSR Redmond talk
- OSDI 2012 talk; talk video
- Product group talks
- OSDI 2012 poster
- MSR Networking Summit poster
- Analytics patent
- Performance patent (filed)
- Microsoft Product
- WP AppCompact
Procrastinator 2013 (co-primary) - MobiSys 2014 paper
- HotNets 2013 paper
- HotNets 2013 talk - Demo - Patent
Social+ 2013 (primary) - undisclosed - MSR talk (undisclosed) - TechFest 2014 demo - Patent (filed)
SmartAds 2012 (contributor) - MobiSys 2013 paper - Demo - Ads patent (filed)
- App crawler patent (filed)
Mobile sensing
Code in the air 2011 (primary) - HotMobile 2012 paper
- APSys 2013 paper
- HotMobile 2012 talk
- MIT SuperUROP talk
- BOA Bussiness plan contest talk (Winner)
- MobiSys 2012 demo; poster
- SenSys 2010 demo; poster
- Google Mobile Computing Workshop
WirelessESP 2010 (primary) - NSDI 2011 paper (best paper nominee)
- HotNets 2010 paper
- NSDI 2011 talk; talk video
- HotNets 2010 talk
- RQE talk
- Disclosure - Press: MIT Press, Gigaom,
Engadget, TheEngineer, etc
CTrack 2010 (co-primary) - NSDI 2011 paper
VTrack 2009 (co-primary) - SenSys 2009 paper (best paper) - S3 talk (best panelist award) - Disclosure - Company Licensing
- iCartel
Datacenter performance
Nectar 2010 (co-primary) - OSDI 2010 paper - End-of-internship talk;talk video
DirCast 2009 (primary,
till I left MSRI)
- ICNP 2009 paper - Product group talks - Patent
SixthSense 2008 (primary) - MobiSys 2008 paper - MobiSys 2008 talk
- IISc talk
- MSRI external review talk
- TechFest 2008 demo;
- MobiSys demo video
- Patent - Press: Ubergizmo,
MnM 2008 (co-primary) - WREN 2009 paper
- MSR tech report
Post-its in the air 2008 (co-primary) - BillG thinkweek paper - MSR tech talk
- Product group talks
- Craig Mundie demo - Patent
Neighborcast 2008 (primary) - HotMobile 2008 paper - MSR Tech Talk - TechFest 2008 demo - Patent
Combine 2007 (contributor) - MobiSys 2007 paper
- HotMobile 2007 paper
- TechFest 2007 demo - Patent - Press: India Times, Rediff,
The Hindu, Business Line
WiFiAds 2007 (primary) - HotMobile 2007 paper - MSR Tech Talk
- Code4Bill Finals talk
- TechFest 2007 demo (to Bill Gates)
- TechVista demo
- Code4Bill Finals demo
- Press: MSNBC, SeattlePI,
DAIR 2006 (contributor) - MobiSys 2006 paper
- HotNets 2005 paper
- Dan Ling demo - Architecture patent
- RogueAP patent
Other fun projects
TwitReviews 2010 (primary) - 6.864 Poster (best poster award) - Windows Gadget
(~1,000,000 downloads, retired)
(grand prize winner, Microsoft
Gadget Design Competition)
- Windows Phone app